1796 PROCLAMATION S, 1916. In California the closed season shall continue imtil September I 1918. Pl°“"·°°°· , Black-breasted and golden glover and greater and lesser *yeZZo#wZegs.— Thg {dosed scilasoiis on bga§k— reastitlnaréd golgkig plover and greater an esserye owegsm netwos eas 0 ows: In Delaware Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia the 4 plosed season shall be between December 1 and August 15 next folowm ; In South Carolina, Gegagia, Florida Alabama, Mississippi, Louigiang.), and Taxa? tllge clo season shall be between February 1 and cto er 31 next 0 owing; In North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, ind Ariztana the ielplsed seasondshall be between December 16 and st3 next oo` ;an Ebalifornia the closed season shall continue until Se tember 1, 1918 P ’°°*°“*P°· z0JG0k8‘l|’I; {l1B clfosigd seasons on jacksnipe or Wilsmn snipe in ne two s e as o ows: In _Delaware Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Caroya, Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana the closed season shall be between ebruary 1 and October 31 next following; and In Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California the glpped season shall be between February 1 and October 15 next o owing. . w°°d°°°*· Woodcock.—The closed season on woodcock in Zone two shall be between J anua 1 and October 31 next following: YY Regulation 9.-Hearings. d§ug‘“¥‘ “ ‘° Persons recommending changgs in the regulations or desiring to submit evidence in person or y attorney as to the necessity for such changes should make application to the Secretary of Agriculture. Hearings will be arranged and due notice thereof given by publication or otherwise as may be deemed appropriate. Persons recommending changes should be prepared to show the necessity for such action and to submit evidence other than that based on reasons of personal convenience or a desire to kill game during a longer open season. Repeal. p°§§Q'°d'$¢“*’“"““ ’“‘ Except in respect to offenses theretofore committed, on and after the date of the applroval by the President of the foregoing regulations such regulations s all su(persede the regulations for the protection of migratory birdislpprove and proclaimed October first one thousand v¤n.:•s,p.m¤. nine hundred thirteen (38 Stat., 1960), as amended by regulations for the protection of mi atory birds approved and proclaimed v¤i.as,p.am. August thirty-first, one thoigand nine hund)red and fourteen (38 Stat., 2024), as further amended b regulations for the protection of V¤l·38.D·W*2· ggprovgd and proclaimed OOt0l)Bl' ll1`Si·, OBB l»hOU$8Dd nine un an ourteen (38 Stat., 2032). IN 'WITNESS WTIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Dorm at_ the city of Washinlgton, this twenty-first day of August in the year of our ord one thousand mne hund.red and [smh.] sixteen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty·i1rst. W W oooaow 11.s iv By the President: O Ronmrr LANSING Secretary of State.
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