PROGLAMAT10Ns, 1916. 1795 In Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado the closed season shall be between December 21 and September 6 next following; and In Rhode Island, Connecticut, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Nevada the closed season · shall be between January 16 and September 30 next following. Rails, other than Ooots and Gallinules.—The closed season on sera mmand other rails, excluding coots and gallinules, in Zone one shall be between December 1 and August 31 next following, except as follows: Exception; In Vermont the closed season shall continue imtil September 1, 1918. Black-breasted and golden plmzer and greater and lesser yellowleg.s·.— P‘°"°‘·°'°· The closed seasons on black—breasted and golden plover and greater and lesser yellowlrigs in Zone one shall be as follows: In Maine, New anlhpshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and ew Jersey the closed season shall be between December 1 and August 15 next following; In Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Michi n, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Nevagg the closed season shall be between December 16 and Au t 31 next following; IgiiuSWisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming the closed season shail be between December 21 and Se tember 6 next following; In (iiegon and Washington the closed season shall be between ' December 16 and September 30 next following; and In Utah the closed season shall continue unf September 1, 1918. Ja,cks·nx£pe.—The closed seasons on jacksnipe or Wilson Qnipe in ’°°‘”'**P°· Zone one shall be as follows: _ In Maine, New Hampihire Vermont, Massachusetts, New York (except Long Island), O , West Virginia, Kentucky Indiana, Michi an, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska the closed season shall be between January 1 and Seggamber 15 next following; In Rhode Island, Connecticut ng Island, New Jersey, Penns lvania, Washington, Oregon, Nievada, and Utah the closed season shall be between January 16 and September 30 next following; and In Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado the closed season shall be between December 21 and Se tember 6 next followingg Woodeoek.——The cllhsed season on woodcoc in Zone one shall be W°°"°°°"· between December 1 and September 30 next following, except as follows: Exceptions: In Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri the closed season shall continue until October 1, 1918. Regulation 8.-Closed Seasons in Zone No. 2. 2f°°‘°” in Waterfowl, Ooots mul Gallinules.——The closed seasons on waterfowl, “’¤°¤*"¤W'·°*°· coots and gallinules in Zone two shall be as follows: In Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Vigginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, 1 abama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 31 next followmg; and In Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California the plosed season shall be between February 1 and October 15 next folowing. Rails, other than Ooots and Gallinules.——-The closed season on sora mm and other rails, excluding coots and gallinules, in Zone two shall be between December 1 and August 31 next following, except as follows: Exceptions: In Louisiana the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 31; and
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