Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/814

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1976 INDEX. Landon, David F., P¤B¤- Las Cruces, NZ Mex., Yagepension increased ... . 1397 apgropriation for public building 266 Landrew, Oliver K., de ciency appropriation for public buildpension increased . ... 1248 in .. 18 Lands, etc., Lasher, H., appropriation for custody of . 277 pension increased 1554 Lands in Severalty to Indians, Lassen National Forest, Cal., appropriation for surveying, allotting, etc., appro riation for maintenance, etc., of. 458. 1147 of ... 123, 969 Lassen golcrmic Nafional Park, Cal., repayment; available until ex- established; boundaries . 442 peuded . . .. 124, 969 lands withdrawn; removal of trespassers. . . 442 use for Indians in Arizona and New valid claims not affected; rights of way, Mexico restricted . 124, 969 etc ... 443 for expenses determining heirs of allot- use by Reclamation Service ... . . . . 443 tees; partition of allotments .. 127, 972 management, etc.; protection of Hsh, game, for legal expenses in allotment suits. . . 127, 972 etc ... 443 leases of imgsble lands of aged, etc., allot- leases, etc., for accommodation of visitors. . 444 C tees, allowed; terms. etc . . 128 sales of timber; charges, etc .. 444 Lane, Zaudzus, imit on appropriations ... . ... 444 pension increased ,.. . __,_,,,___,, 1504 Latham, .F‘raI;3: g, Lane, Henry S., pension .. . ... 1591 pensmn . . .. 1499 Latham, J. Lawrence, Lane, Lydu A. (wzdow), reheved of payment of postal funds stolen pension increased . . .. 1460 from .. . . . . 1243 Lane. 1{argaret M. (wailow), Lathrop, Janus W, peumon increased .. . . 1291 pension increased . . .. 1585 Lane, Willehm, Latimer. William R., pension increased . . .. 1523 pension increased . . . . 1289 Lcmesbaro, Maas., Latitude Observatory, International, condemned cannon granted to . 839, 841 expenses of Ukiah, Cal., to be deducted Lang, Charles, from quota to International Geodetic pension increased ... . 1286 Association ... . . 259. 1055 Langley, Henry, Lattimgre, John VK, pension . . 1372 penmon increased ... . 1384 Langley, Nicholas B., Lauderbock, Frank, — pension increased ... . 1317 pension increased ... . 1531 Langsdale, John M., Lauer, John E., pension increased . . .. 1279 pension increased ... . 1380 L’Anguille River, Ark., Laughlin, Hiram, appropriation for improvement of . . . . 399 pension increased ... . 1405 Lan_EI;'0r§, James W. Laughlin, John W. pension increased ... . 1253 pension increased ... . 1505 Lanphere, Hiram P., Laughlin, Rachel E. (widow), pension increased . . .. 1513 pension increased . ... 1429 Lanséng, Charlotte A. (widow), Lauman, Charles A., pension ... . .. 1567 pension increased .. . . 1222 Lansing, Hannah M. (wrkiow), Laundries, Army. pensnon .. - ... 1239 outside work permitted; use of proceeds. . 631 Lansing, Iowa, Laurel, Mss., _ bridge authorized across Mississippi River deficiency appropriation for public build- 18 at 37 m .. Lantz, Eliza A. (walvw), Laurier, ish., pension increased ... . 1401 immediate transportation entry privileges Lapaugh, Rebecca L. (widow), extended to .. 354 pension increased . ... 1289 Lauver, Daniel, Lappaler. Joseph, pension increased ... . 1565 pension increased 1210 Lavine, Jlhnerva (widow), Laptad, Rebecca Mc!}. (widow). pension increased ... . 1561 pension increased ... . 1316 Law Library, Librmif of Congress, Larimer, James C., appropriation for xbmrinn, etc .. 74, 1078 pension . . 13.59 Law, Sarah M. (widow), Larimer, Jamey II,, pension increased . . .. 1553 pension increased . ... 1331 Lawler. Mary (widow), Larkin, Thomas, pension increased . . .. 1216 pension increased ... . 1537 Lawler, Solmnzm, Lamed. Kam., pension increased 1272 condemned cannon granted to . .. 834 L“'”"°"%"” ,CW"·’?!» Ségagé . b L·=~·m~· Amm V- '°°‘“°E2‘$‘§d'§£"t?fési¤ B¤E'Lk'““h"i:Hu¤¤ a£Z’}.$ pension increased ... . 1207 Forest _ 440 La"'!/» Joh? H- Lawrence, Isaiah E., P°¤9i°¤ Increased ·-···--·· - ·-··---~—-···- 1418 pension increased 1539 Las Animas Naval Hospita], Colo., _ Lawrence, _K¢17L8., _ _ appropmmou for estabhshing dmry farm. appropnatnon for Haskell Immtute Indmn etc . . .. . . . 572 school . . . 133, 977