Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/815

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T v-• r·• LN DEX. { ; Laws of Congress, P¤s¤· Leaves of Absmce, Government Employees, Pwappropnetion for law clerk and assistant, allowed civilan employees, at stations out- _ edmng, etc , ...·-.--.·..---.- 77, 1082 side continental limits; accumulaln force 1]] Porto Rico, except internal tig;] _____ _ _ _ _ ______________________ 557 reyenue .. s Z . . ._ 954 iutemal revenue a ents and ins to . . 9 not apphcqble to Philippine Islands unless members of National Guard, D.I€?wl11sen 7 3 Specmcallfy so xgovided . 547 mining, etc ,,,_______,,___________ gm trade relatmns o the hilippines governed employees at navy ards, etc., allowed anexclusively by 548 nual, for 30 dyeys ...·... 617 Lawsmi, Nathan, pro rate. limitation . ... 617 pension increased 1515 discretion as to time to be taken 617 Lazcsmi, U zley, restriction as to pav 618 pension. . ._ . 1578 allowance of sic leave or holidays not Laurtorg, Ckgrrw IC (widow), affected ____ _ ,____________________ 618 pension increased ... . 1251 granted postal employees injured while on Lawtcm Irpgatwn Project, Okla., duty .. 413 appropmation for maintenance, etc ..,. 305 Leavitt, Elizabeth J. (widow), Lawton, Okla,, pension .,__ , ,,,,,,,,,,... . ,,,.______,_. 1281 condemned cannon granted to . .. 836 Leavitt, Leafy J. (widow), t€1’m8‘ of court at .. . . 927 pension increased .,... . ...,., 1315 Lawyers Cooperative Edition, Volume 60, Leavitt, Mary E. (widow), appropriation for additional copies, United pension increased ...,. . ._,,._._,, 1234 States Reports . 313 Lebanon, Pa., Lay, Catherine C'. (widow), condemned cannon granted to . .. 836 pension increased 1499 Lederer, Charles H., Layman, Lucy L. (widow), pension increased 1382 pension increased . . .. 1224 Lecture Lyceumw, Lazear, Mable H. (widow), exempt from special tax. 791 appropriation for monthly payments to . . . 629 Lecturers, Alien. Le Count, Ellen (wvklmc), not excluded admission under contract pension increased ... . 1398 labor laws .. 878 Le Sikur, Thonm.; B., b Lee, George, d a propnation or reim umm` g ... . . 977 pension increase .. · .. 1534 Le guer, Ella (wiklow), Lee, Henry, pension increased ... . 1257 pension . . 1362 Leach, Charles H., Lec, John, alias James Riley, pension increased ... . 1219 pension mcreaaed ... . 1508 Leach, David F., Lee, John J., pension incrwsed . . .. 1370 pension increased ... . 1231 Leach, Lywmn 0., Lec Slough, Fla.. pension increased .,. 1530 appropriation for improvement of . 396 Leach, Phillip H., Lee. Tlwmqs J., pension increased ,,____,,_,,.,._., . . . 1437 PBDSIQH Increased . . .. 1408 Leach, Willzhm, F., Leech River, Minn-,_ pension ____ _ ________ _ ___, _ ,_,____,.,... 1367 appropriation for 1mprovement of . 403 Lead Araenates (see Insecticide Act). Lcedcr,_ hqrles, Leadville National Forest, Colo., pension increased . -...-..-.-- 1293 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1147 Lesson, Rofrert, . Lmj Ripgr, Mqggsq pension increased .. . . 1513 appro riation for improvement of . 397 L¢]ler,_C}nqrles, League @¢md Naw Yard (see Philadelphia, penpxon increased.. .. . .. 1318 3.. . Leguhonsy Leqgugg, Buginggg, glp, 8pFl’0pl'1Bt10¤ for clerks all. ... . 253,1048 exempt, from income mx ..,... . ... 766 OT ll1$8l'pl‘8t8l'B to ...- . ··.--..-·-· 253, 1049 Lmrd, Samuel FW counselor of, created I ._ 252 pension increased ___________ __ __________, 1438 Legislature, Exec·utii·e, qnd fudwuzl Expenses, Lamy, Hannah Q_ (wmow », appropriation for legislative expenses. . . 66, 1070 pongjon _____ __ __________ _ _______,, . 1449 or ennte . _ .. . 66 , 1070 Lamy, James, alias James ()’Learj, for C upltol police .. 2 . -: .. 69, 1073 Pgngign in(j]·ggged_ _____, _ _,_,,,_.,, . . 1232 {Of JOII1t.C0lI1l]11tt89 OD Pl’1XlU.D8§ GOD- Legghgrg, Thmm; ,]_, gressxonal Directory:. 69,1073 pension increased ... . 1552 for. ouge of Repreeentatives .. . 69, 1073 Lea ren usorrth, Kaus. , " during the session; : to mean 118 days. 72 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- "dgmng the sexnon tomean 210 days. 1070 diers’ Home . . 295 for L1bra1jy of Congreu .. . . 73, 107 4 for penitentiary, construction .. 311 for Botanic Garden .. 75, 1079 for penitentiary, maintenance ., 314 for executive expenses .. . . 76, 1080 deficiency appropriation for expenses, Vol- for Ifgwdent: ... :6, 1080 unteer Soldiers? Home ... . . . 29 for Vice President . . .. 76, 1080 for penitentiary, construction ... . . . . 42 { for Executive Office . 16, 1080 for penitentiarv, maintenance .. 44, 819 E for Buxegu of Efficiency: . . 76, 1080 to;-mg of court ati _ ,,,,_,___,,,_______,,. 726 i investigations, etc., directed . 1080