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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/683

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For expense of rations, per seventh article, six thousand dollars.

For payment of claims to certain individuals, per eighth article, one thousand and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.

For the purchase of tobacco, and for services of two physicians, per fifth article, five hundred and fifty dollars.

Sacs and Foxes.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, of the twenty-first September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to wit: For payment of the limited annuity, provided for by the third article, twenty thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations for a blacksmith and gunsmith, establishing a shop, and for purchase of tobacco and salt, per fourth article, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For payment of Farnham and Davenport’s claim for goods, acknowledged to be due, per fifth article, forty thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations in regard to subsistence, per tenth article, seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars.

Shawanoes and Delawares.To carry into effect the treaty with the Shawanoes and Delawares, of the sixth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For the purchase of cattle, hogs, and other stock, for the Delawares, and for assistance in agriculture, per second article, three thousand dollars.

For expense of a person to attend their mill, and for repairs, per same article, five hundred dollars.

For the support of a school, per same article, five hundred dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations for payment of certain debts, and for merchandise and cash, per third article, eighteen thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations of the Shawanoes for cash, clothing and horses, and towards their expenses, after removal, per fifth article, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

For cost of provisions for one year after removal, per same article, the sum of eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For annuities to Patterson, Tawhee-lalen and Natcoming, during their natural lives, the sum of one hundred dollars each, three hundred dollars.

Kaskaskias and Peorias.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Kaskaskias and Peorias, of seventh October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two.

For payment of the limited annuity, per fifth article, three thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations in the sixth article of said treaty, to wit: for payment to the Peorias in common with the Kaskaskias, sixteen hundred dollars.

To the Kaskaskias, for lost horses and salt annuities, three hundred and fifty dollars.

To the Peorias, for improvements on their lands, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of stock for Peorias and Kaskaskias, four hundred dollars.

For carts, oxen and ploughs, for same, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For building four log houses, five hundred and thirty dollars.

For assistance in agriculture, three hundred dollars.

For agricultural implements, and for iron and steel, fifty dollars.

For the payment for goods delivered at treaty, eight hundred dollars.

For assistance to Kaskaskias in removing, and for one year’s provisions, one thousand dollars.

Appalachicolas.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Appalachicola tribe, of eleventh October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.