of which sum five thousand dollars shall be appropriated and applied to geological and mineralogical survey and researches.
Steele’s ledge.To rebuild the monument on Steele’s ledge, in Penobscot bay, four thousand six hundred dollars.
Cumberland river.For the continuation of the improvement of the navigation of the Cumberland river, thirty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the War Department.
Approved, June 28, 1834.
Statute Ⅰ.
Chap. CIV.—An Act making appropriations for the military academy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.
Appropriations for the military academy.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury:
For defraying the expenses of the board of visiters at West Point, two thousand dollars.
For fuel, forage, stationery, printing, transportation, and postage, eight thousand four hundred and eighty-six dollars and thirty cents.
For repairs, improvements, and expenses of buildings, grounds, roads, wharves, boats, carts and fences, nine thousand six hundred and ten dollars and ninety-six cents.
For pay of adjutant’s and quartermaster’s clerks, nine hundred dollars.
For philosophical apparatus and repairs of the same, six hundred and ninety-eight dollars.
For models for the department of engineering, eight hundred dollars.
For models for the drawing department, apparatus, and contingencies for the department of chemistry, and repairs of instruments for the mathematical department, one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars.
For the departments of mineralogy, artillery, and sword exercises, one thousand one hundred and thirty dollars.
For increase and expenses of the library, one thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-two cents.
For completing the out-buildings and culvert attached to the cadet barracks, one thousand and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents.
For miscellaneous items, and incidental expenses of the military academy, one thousand six hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-seven cents.
For the erection of a building for military and other exercises, in winter, in addition to six thousand dollars appropriated last session, fourteen thousand dollars.
For pay of the officers, cadets, and musicians, and subsistence of officers and cadets, ninety-five thousand six hundred and ninety-eight dollars.
For forage of officers, one thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars.
For clothing for servants of officers, three hundred and fifty dollars.
Secretary of War to cause transfers to be made to settle accounts of Col. Thayer.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby authorized to cause such transfers to be made from specific heads of appropriation, for the military academy, as may be necessary to enable the accounting officer to settle the accounts of Lt. Col. S. Thayer, late superintendent, for expenses incurred in procuring philosophical apparatus for said academy, under an order of the War Department, in eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.
Approved, June 28, 1834.