Statute Ⅰ.
Chap. CV.—An Act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, and for other purposes.
Appropriations to effect certain Indian treaties.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter mentioned, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, viz:
Seminoles.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Seminoles, of the ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, viz:
To pay for improvements relinquished to the United States by the first article, fifteen thousand four hundred dollars.
To defray the expense of investigating claims against the Seminoles for property alleged to have been stolen or destroyed by them, and of liquidating such as may be satisfactorily established, seven thousand eight hundred dollars.
Western Cherokees.To carry into effect the treaty with the Western Cherokees, of fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz:
For support of blacksmiths, of a wheelwright and wagon maker and their establishments, and the purchase of corn mills, under the fourth article, eight thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.
Western Creeks.To carry into effect the treaty with the Western Creeks, of fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz:
For support of a blacksmith, wheelwright, or wagon maker, and their establishments, and for the purchase of saws and corn mills, under the fifth article, three thousand three hundred and sixteen dollars.
For education, one thousand dollars.
To pay for improvements abandoned, under the sixth article, three thousand eight hundred and one dollars and fifty-eight cents.
To pay the expense of appraising these improvements, five hundred dollars.
Quapaws.To carry into effect the treaty with the Quapaws, of thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz:
To pay for stock, implements of agriculture, rifles, blankets, and other articles stipulated to be furnished in the third article, five thousand and eighty-eight dollars and fifty cents.
For support of a farmer, six hundred dollars.
For education, one thousand dollars.
For support of a blacksmith and his establishment, one thousand and seventy-five dollars.
For payment of debts of the Quapaws, under the fourth article, four thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.
For pay of labourers, one thousand dollars.
For payment of the limited annuity, two thousand dollars.
For pay of an interpreter, by the sixth article, three hundred dollars.
Appalachicolas.To carry into effect the treaties with the Appalachicolas, of eighteenth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz:
For payment of reservations to be surrendered, under the fourth article of each of the treaties, six thousand dollars.
Otoes and Missourias.To carry into effect the treaty with the Ottoes and Missourias, of twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz:
For education, under the fourth article, five hundred dollars.
For support of farmers, and the erection of a mill, under the fifth article, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.
For purchase of stock, under the sixth article, one thousand dollars.
For payment for merchandise, under the ninth article, four hundred dollars.
Pawnees.To carry into effect the treaty with the Pawnees, of ninth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, viz: