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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/836

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Mississippi, under the seventh article of the treaty with them of the ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents.

For the subsistence of the same for twelve months after their arrival west of the Mississippi, stipulated in the same, forty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.

For a blanket and homespun frock to each individual of the same, stipulated in the third article of the same treaty, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

For the difference in value of cattle abandoned by them on the east, and of those to be delivered to them west of the Mississippi, stipulated in the fifth article of the same treaty, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Removal of Quapaws from Arkansas, &c.For the removal of five hundred Quapaws from the Arkansas territory to their lands west of the Mississippi, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them of the thirteenth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, three thousand five hundred dollars.

For the subsistence of the same for twelve months after their arrival west of the Mississippi, stipulated in same, fourteen thousand six hundred dollars.

Subsistence of Choctaws west of the Mississippi, &c.For the subsistence of one thousand five hundred Choctaws, west of the Mississippi, from April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, to April, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, under the provisions of the sixteenth article of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit creek, of the twenty-seventh September, eighteen hundred and thirty, forty-three thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the purchase of looms and wheels, &c., &c., stipulated in the twentieth article of the same treaty, in addition to appropriations heretofore made, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars.

Removal of Cherokees west of the Mississippi, &c.For the removal of one thousand Cherokees to the west of the Mississippi, under the provisions of the eighth article of the treaty of the sixth of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, twenty thousand dollars.

For the subsistence of same for twelve months after their arrival west of the Mississippi, stipulated in the same treaty, twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars.

Certifying contracts for Creek reservations.For the expense of certifying contracts for Creek reservations under the provisions of the treaty of the twenty-fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

Locating reservations under treaty with Choctaws.For the expense of locating reservations under the provisions of the treaty with the Choctaws, of the twenty-seventh of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, two thousand dollars.

Portion of annuity of Chickasaws for 1832.To replace a portion of the annuity of the Chickasaws for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, stolen from the agent, in conformity with the provisions of the fourth article of the treaty with them of the twenty-fourth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, one thousand dollars.

Holding treaties.For holding treaties with the Caddo and Cammouche, and other wandering tribes of Indians, west of the state of Missouri, and the territory of Arkansas, ten thousand dollars.

Fulfilling fifth article of treaty with Pattawatamies of Wabash.For fulfilling the fifth article of the treaty with the Pattawatamies of the Wabash, dated October twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, seven thousand three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents.

Treaty with the Pattawatamies of Indiana.For carrying into effect the treaties recently ratified with the Pattawatamies of Indiana, and for negotiating the same, five thousand four hundred and sixty-nine dollars.

Treaty with Chippewas, Ottoways, Pattawatamies, &c.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Chippewas, Ottoways, and Pattawatamies, concluded at Chicago, September twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one million, thirty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars and fifty-three cents.