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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/837

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Indian annuities, &c.For defraying the expenses of conducting said treaty, two thousand five hundred and thirty-six dollars and fifty-three cents.

Exploring party from Chicago.For the expense of an exploring party, of fifty Pattawatamies, from the Chicago agency, to the west of the Mississippi, nine thousand four hundred and fifty-three dollars.

Negotiation with Cherokees for cession of their claims in Georgia, &c.To defray the expenses which have been incurred, or may be incurred in any negotiation with the Cherokees, for the cession of their claims in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee, the sum of fourteen thousand one hundred and fifty-eight dollars seventy-five cents.

Holding treaty with Caddos.To defray the expenses of holding a treaty with the Caddo Indians, in Louisiana, and Arkansas, the sum of five thousand dollars.

Repayment of William Marshall.To repay William Marshall, this sum which he advanced by order of the commissioners, holding a treaty with the Pattawatamie Indians, in October, eighteen hundred [and] thirty-two, one thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars and twenty-five cents.

Expenses incurred by Capt. W. R. Jouett.For refunding to Captain William R. Jouett, the expenses incurred in the necessary defence in two suits, brought by the American Fur Company, and Joseph Reuville, against him, in the district court of the United States, at Mineral point, in Michigan territory, on actions of trespass, for having seized certain spirits belonging to them, while in command of fort Snelling, and acting under orders from the War Department, and for the safety of said post, to prevent the said spirits from being used by the Indians, the sum of six hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty-seven cents.

Adjustment of claims of missionary board for property in Choctaw purchase.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if, in the valuation made or to be made, of the buildings, improvements, and other property, belonging to the American board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, lying within the limits of the purchase made of the Choctaw tribe of Indians, at the treaty of the Dancing Rabbit creek, it shall be found that the said valuation is less than the original cost of the same, in that case, the estimated value shall be apportioned to the United States, and the said American board, pro rata, according to the sums advanced by them respectively, towards the aforesaid buildings and improvements, and the amount thus found due to the said board, shall be paid to the trustees thereof, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Payment to Mrs. Mitchell.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of eight hundred and ten dollars be paid to Mrs. Mitchell, wife of Edward Mitchell, for instructing the Choctaw Indians to spin and weave, in conformity with the request made by their chiefs and head men to the President of the United States at the treaty of Doak’s stand.

Approved, March 3, 1835.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 3, 1835.

Chap. LXXVI.An Act to provide for paying certain pensions at Jackson in the State of Tennessee.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby authorized and empoweredPension agency to be established at Jackson. to establish a pension agency at Jackson in the state of Tennessee, for the payment of pensioners of the United States resident in the counties of Hardin, McNairy, Hardiman, Fayette, Shelby, Tipton, Haywood, Madison, Henderson, Perry, Carroll, Gibson, Dyer, Obion, Weakley and Henry in the State of Tennessee.Proviso. Provided, that the establishment of such agency can be made without any charge to the United States.

Secretary of Treasury to make the arrangements.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and hereby is authorized to make the necessary arrangements for the payment of said pensioners.

To take effect June 1, 1835.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall not take effect until the first day of June next.

Approved, March 3, 1835.