208 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. C°"*P°°°°*'*°'*· That if said lands and appurtenances and improvements thereof S t t do H shall be taken tlqvlegf as afoggsgid, the l{1n{)tedhSt%tes slhall malixqf just ,,‘§‘,,,,,,,°¤,,,,,,,,,,_ compensation e or to etermine y the resident an th W ainount thereof Eoddetermined bg the Presidqpt, is unsalgisaactory td t e person enti e to receive the same suc person s a be aid s1eventy;;fivp18Hp1i)¢gentuni pif the ampluné so dietéermined by the Piiesient an s entitle to sue the United States to recover such further sum, as added to said seventy-five per centum will make up {;{3<=§‘§m-xmilm such amount as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner ' 'm°' provlidedhfog bydspctionfitwer;tygfo`pr,i1pa;1agéra($>h twenty, and section _ · oneuneanorty-veoteuci oe. · '*"“°*°'°’·‘ °* °“°°- Upon the taldxig over of said property by the President as aforeisgidglre tgtléahtioms property so taken over shall immediately vest in e mte . A“‘°“°“°'¥"°P°'”'· For the payment of compensation for said property so tak n o r E¤¤i¤¤·¤¤¢··¢¢· $1,200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and tovgardvhd equipment of the same as a naval operating base, including piers, PWM store houses, oil-fuel storage, traming station and recreation grounds P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d_ for the fleet and other purposes, $1,600,000, m all, $2,800,000: Promded, That the appropriation herein shall be available 0111 for the acquisition of the entire iplroperty bounded on the north and, west by Hampton Roads and oughby Bay, on the east by Boush Creek, and on the south by Nmety-ninth and Algonquin Streets, together with; qi}: eas;)mentii,&ri\gl:]t;s o _ viqay, riparian and other rights appurtenan ere an e rig ts an properties of ra` wa e tric ugnmmwon Mw- ¥>ghm,,,ti‘&wf,y·g$,2°MrhPl11‘¢;;Il;:’ lll%p1i1i,cab10lvl:l1t8rNmd Sgwar Eglnzalgjasl uma. _ _ cearyo e avyisau orize 0 R- “··°°°-“5· P- °°· expend public nioney in the development of said tract of land withez; lziffeglenioato tgesriequzreegments o section three hundred and nity- hmpmuynmpun. H · ° WSG ll u _ . . In I I ospital comtruction. For temper hos tal tru t Na, ““"”l’ °°' $1,000,000; and for the establishment of iis-val mdjdieal siiplpiy dhpgllis at Brooktllyn, 1;;:% §p6·k,_ anadl 5l)sl&10d, California, by purchase or I 1. ¢¤ ¤ OD g m _ , , . vglliilim ¤p.m,"t’ NRVRI 11}8é&F-111d,_S8JI1t JULGHS Creek, Virginia: The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to expend public money in the development Mmmm of th$g1piq&1o§g;n;l tg betaglxd toélhe paypal reservation at the naval snmwuvee. _ 0 , 8-111 _ GDS ec , lrglma, without reference ,,_ S_'m_m,p_w_ lip the reqmrements of section hundred and fifty-five of the nam.: ummm Gvlsed Statutes, and the_ provision in the naval a propriation Act 1,,,% I 39 m approved August twenty-ninth, mneteen hundred and) sixteen (Thirty- mi - ,p. .•m¤¤· ninth Statutes at Large, sage five hundred and_seventy), authorizing · gin gl aq{d1i%on_ landuplderghe heading "Naval magazine, _ _ ee 1rgima’ is ere t : gtléor additgqalilalgég, qc be sp<;1§reilzby}i>i·uIichngs: orlisdiiilirgiizilhhwdt B , fe 0 8 I H m§¤i?g,•&¤;°¤é·lri?¤i“ , Puget $<>¤¤d. Wmhipgtiin, Navy lézrydiqllne geggiétlliglgllhe Navy ,,,,,,,,,m,m_ xs authorized to acquire by gift, purchase, or condemnation, ease- Htéfgifioqzer pngrate zvhpre n¢;roeie§ ger tlie installation of a , an an con o t ' Keyport, ashmgton, between said statioxi aiiil thenlgvayoygidughggi mpi,. md In-_ S0¤¤d, Washington, $3,500, which sum is hereby app;-0p;·i&te&_ varmn. Rpramsi Arm PRESERVATION yr xuvr mums Arm s·rA·rxoNs· For repairs an ti t ` Stations, $9 0}31;gs0e&va on a navy yards, fuel depots, fuel plants, and m§`g$§Z§-l mm"' BUREAU or nmnrcnm ami smzomzv. S v E ·”°°°°"“°` Munras:. Dmmnummwz For surgeons’ necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, naval stations, Mamie Corps, and for the