SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. 209 civil_ establishment at the several naval hos itals, navy yards, naval °*"”°m`°“Shm°¤°· medical supply depots, Naval Medical School; Washington, and Naval Academy, an toward the accumulation of a reserve supply of medical stores, $3,000,000. Cor~:·rmo1:r~rr, BUREAU or Mnnicmn AND SURGERY! For tolls °¤¤¤¤=¤¤¢· and ferriages; care, transportation, and burial of the dead, includin officers w o die within the United States; purchase of books and stationery, binding of medical records, unbound books, and pamphlets; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; samtary and hygienic instruction; llpurchase and repairs of nonpassengercarrying wagons, automob` e ambulances, and harness; purchase of and feed for horses and cows; trees, plants, care of ormds, garden tools and seeds; incidental articles for the Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick guarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks; washing for medical ’ epartment at Naval Medical School and naval dis ensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navy ards and naval stations,
ships; and for minor reéncairs on buildings and grounds of the
United tates Naval Medical hool and naval medical sup l depots; rent of rooms for naval dispensary, Washington, District o?Cl'>lumbia not to exceed $1,200; for the care, maintenance, and treatment of the insane of the Na and Marine Corps on the Pacific coast, including supernumerariesvheld for transfer to. the Government Hospital for the Insane; for dental oufits and dental material, and all other p necessary contingent expenses; in all, $1,000,000. Tum an ` TRANSPORTATION or nmums: To enable the Secretary of the mmerlriiee, fur? Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be transferred to their homes the remains of officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Corps, and of officers and enlisted men of the Naval Militia and National Naval Volunteers and the Naval Reserve Force when on active service with the Navy, who die or are killed in action ashore or afloat, and also to enable the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of civilian employees who die outside of the continental limits of the United States, $300,000: Provided, That the sum herein Appueiueu emma. appropriated shall be available for payment forltransportation of the ‘ remains of officers and men who have died while on duty at any time since Aipril twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninegy-eight, and shall be ava able unf June thirtieth, nineteen hundre an nineteen. H ml { Hosrrmr. EXPENSESZ For the care, maintenance, and treatment of ,,,¤Q°§'{§,,;§?‘°°°°°° ° patients in naval and in other than naval hospitals, and for the rental of land, $3,000,000. BUREAU or surrnms Arm Accomrrs. m§‘§°;§u;,[,_S“¤P““ PAY or THE NAVY: Pay and allowances prescribed by law of officers §‘*,Y, §gY·° I on sea duty and other duty, and oiliicers on waiting orders; officers amounts. on the retired list; commutation of Yrarters for officers on shore not occupying public quarters, including oatswains, gunners, carpenters, sailmakers, machinists, pharmacists, pay clerks, and mates, naval Cmm tm su constructors, and assistant naval constructors; and also members eanmeuce.-fill °"` of Nurse Corps (female) who shall hereafter be lpaid the same commutation as is or may be allowed members of the Nurse Corps of the Army; for hire of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, or commutation of quarters not to exceed the amount which an officer would receive Xere he not serving with troops, and lnre of quarters for officers an enlisted men on sea dug.} at such times as they may be deprived of their quarters on board 'p due to 1124-60°——von 40-21 1---14