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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/230

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. 211 yards; musical instruments and music; mess outfits; soap on board I naval vessels; athletic outfits; tolls, ferriages, yeomen’s stores, safes, and other incidental expenses; labor in general storehouses, pay- masters} offices, and accounting offices in navy yards and naval stations, includin naval stations maintained in island possessions under the contre? of the United States, and expenses in handling stores purchased and manufactured under- "General account of advances" ; and reimbursement to apipropriations of the Department I"°°***¤$P°°“°¤- of Agriculture of cost of inspection o meats and meat food products P _ · for the Navy Department: Provided, That the sum to be paid out of cilgldszai, ac., sm. this appropriation, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, *°°s· for chemists and for clerical, inspection, storeman, store laborer, and messenger service in the supply and accounting departments of the navy yards, naval stations, naval—defense districts, and disbmsing offices, shall not exceed $750,000; in all, $3,000,000. F , ht D Fnnrerrr, BUREAU or Surrnms nm Accounrsz All freight and mdrE‘.€rt;us?p°"m°°* express charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus, except the transportation of coal for the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1,750,000. Fu I mm md FUEL sm: ·r1zsNsron·rA·r1oN: Coal and other fuel for steamers’ and sa, °’ p° °"' ships’ use, including expenses of transportation, storage, and handling the same ; maintenance and general operation of machinery of nava fuel depots and fuel tplants ; water for all pxgposes on board naval vessels; and ice for e cooling of water, in uding the expense of ,,m,”_ transportation and storage of both, $19,362,420z ·P1‘0’|7l:d€d, That when mxtmels in carrying in the opinion of the President, the prices asked for the charter of vessels for the transportation of fuel are excessive, he is authorized to purchase vessels suitable for the purpose and, if money is not otherwise available, to pay for them from the appropriation "Fuel and transportation? R mal Rmsmzvn Msrmnmr., Nsvr: For rocuring apparatus and materials r $¤¤y use (other than ordnance materials and) medica stores), as a war reserve necessary to be carried in the su ply departments for the purpose of fitting out vessels of the fleet aud) merchant auxiliaries in time of war or when, in the opinion of the President, a national emergency exists, P $2,000,000: Provided, That, to prevent deterioration materials neimmmemsae purchased under the reserve material Nag fund shall be used as {SQ? ”*°”'°'°“"'°°* required in time of peace, and when so us reimbursement shall be made to this approlpriation from current naval appropriations in order that additions stocks may be procured. nuiuaw or consrnucrros am: ummm. a.li°£°.i°n`Z£°°°“’°` CONSTRUCTION asn ummm or vnssms: For preservation and com- p§,°".#',T’,‘§§§;'§"° '°' pletion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; steam steerers, pneumatic steerers, steam capstans, steam windlasses, and all other auxiliaries; labor in navy yards and on foreign stations; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops; carrying on work of experimental model tank and wind tunnel; des` g naval vessels; construction and repair of yard craft lighters, and barges; wear, tear and repair of vessels afloat; general care, increase, and protection of the Navy in the line of construction com 6,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,, and repair; repair and maintenance of vessels of the Coast Guard and ¤¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤-. r¤¤%¤k· Lighthouse Services, submarine chasers, patrol boats; incidental expenses for vessels and navy yards, inspectors’ ofrices, such as photographing, books, {professional magazines, plans, stationery, and instruments for dra ting room, and or pay o classified force under the Eqmpmmtsuppm bureau; for hemcpl, wire, iron, and other materials for the manufacture of cordage, an ors, cables, galleys, and chains; specifications for · purchase thereof shall be so prepared as shall give fair and free com-