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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/231

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212 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Orr. 29. 1917. ` petition; canvas for the manufacture of sails awnings, hammocks, and other work; interior appliances and tools {or manufacturing purposes in navy yards and naval stations; and for the purchase of all · other articles of equipage at home and abroad; and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels therewith_and, manufacture 0 such articles rn the several navy yards; naval signals and apparatus, other than electnc, namely, signals, lights, lanterns, roc ets, running lights, lanterns and lamps and their appendages for general use on board shiglfor illtlulrniréating purpplses ;]and o1l and ai:san;iles useiglin connection erewi ; unting an other materi or ma g and repairing {lags of all kinds; for all dpermanent galley Httings and ,,,,,,,,,_ uipage; rugs carpets, curtains an hangings on board n v l - L*¤¤* ¤¤ ¤r¤¤r¤ ¤¤¢ ggs, $57,327,3=l0:Prjo*mk1ed, That,the limitations im ed byflegisgis applicable. 18 . . POS g u.a4,p.11ss. w relative to repairs to vessels of the avy shall not apply to the rwmwmam in expenditure of funds made avanlablem this Act: Promdcdfurther, That °°*"""'°”‘· the expenditures under this appropriation for services of draftsmen and such other technical services as the Secretary of the Navy may etc deem necessary in the Bureau of Construction and Repair shall not ,,,,,_°“‘*“‘· ·· ’°“" exceed Q157,340:Pr0v1ded_f;urther, That the sum to be aid out of this gpprggnation, under the d1rectron of the Secretary of the Navy, for en ,_draftmg, rnspectron, watchman (ship keepers), and messen- §.¤“°"“t.g .$2£ .m““v’m’L‘2?§’ tt"°.¤'“i,§$§°tad”“‘ §§"%7‘6%3•?“ °* ““"°"“° 7 1 J • "'”'•°°'°'¤•¤E¤· nmmnr or srnam ruremnsrzme d¤¤•¤¤¢. ·

'°*’°‘”· Erwmnmunez For repairs, preservation, and renewal of machinery auxiliary machinery and boilers of naval vessels d ft d

slnps’ boats, patrol and’other vessels that may be xlar purposes, drstalling and refrrgerating a paratus; repairs, preservatron, and renewal of electric interior and, exterior signal communications and all electrical appliances of whatsoever nature on board naval ' ymsels, except range En ers, battle order and range transmitters and 101;;1r¢;t;>r;;aéa1nid1B§ot)o€rp and their tlcongolling apparatus used to ‘ , . . °” 8 .° ° ¤*' ; tw d .;.:2:r::=.::~.¢..,;·:.,?*·"··* <1?1grc:::;_¤0f¤§::aa§);1Iig1;al;1?er·Fce, 1¤31r;gi§§°`§;g>e];2e1§I0r°2§?w”ILr _ umca 10ns an f www mmm wang gdm°$af°r ”“‘*i° °h°'°fS§;°‘*;{*S; ¤;¤·}i>u;$¤,8;$}Z»1i€sl“i§§ $$52 er ecogmzance o ed th ` nance and operation of naval vessels, yl;-:dll¤·1a(l(tl:1{:.nd Sl(;1¥l)S’ golsguacliiccl patrol and other vessels that may be utilized for war purposes· urchase, installation, repair, and preservation of machinery, tools,land appliances in navy yards and stations; pay of classitied force under the eau, incidental expenses for naval and other vessels navy yards andhstatrcips, inspectors offices, the engineering ex erirhent station, suc as p otograplnng, technical books, and periodicals; statione ,

?g1 en;s, nistruments and apparatus, supplies, and tea'-

rmmch wma; _ necessary to carry on exlplerimental and gQ°,g’g,"f_,c_ mp Provided That 151 N °‘t° "€"°P!!Y M thé naval ra 'o laboratory: lm , th dir , _ f e sum to be paid out of this appropriation, under _ e ection o the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, drafting,

)rEpc;:tr(pfn,Uan¢tl61(;1essenger service in navy yards, naval stations, and

D;r;en%::¤t,,m,,mmu _ I 111 n0tStat&ledmspectors of machinery and eqgilrferiug BxcB8dm*°“P @$8110 64 ex _ $2,000,000: Provided urther, t not g , 0 of this amount may be expen ed for the services of draftsmen and such other technical assis L of the Navymay deemn ‘ umm as the Siwrcmry com Gum md in SH, engineering, $34 9600¢€S¤¤1'y500 111 the Bureau of Steam Engineering; usrmcausesemeas. Thefe a ’ ‘ `f . ` avaihblewing Eprepna ons Ogrtghge Naval Estebhslppent shall be