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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/291

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272 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 50, 51. 1917. Ngv ¤*¤=»°*°· Sec. 4. That ru- a h two, section fifteen, of the Act to r late azzigiiéediu p` m' commerce apprd)ved]%`egruary fourth, eighteen hundred and ggélhty- Rm ti mm seven, as amended, be further amend_ by adding the following;

 "Prmplded further, until January first, mneteen hundred and twenty,

no increased rate, fare, charge, or classification shall be filed except mgglgjvsl W °°m‘ after approval thereof has been secured from the commission. Such approv may, in the discretion of the commission, be `ven without formal hearing, and in such case shall not affect an suilseuueut proceeding relative to such rate, fare, charge, or classification. ’ Approved, August 9, 1917. A°§‘§2gg}""· CHAP. 51.-An Act To amend the Act to regulate commerce, as amended, and n·¤»uZ,"N` t. an l°' °“‘°‘ l’“’*’°°"“· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the United

 Suztese(¢§/`Amezwkza in O _ ess assembled, That section onef of the act

,,m,,‘§,g,f°· l’“ 5*7* eutitl "An Act to regdgte commerce," approved Februa fourth, pilghteen héipilrged grad eigaity-sexgiln, psi] heretofore amendelf; be furer amen a ing ereto e o owin : srnriiiiidghnriipblgsiiigiaffi "That on and after the approval of this ict any person or per- ‘€¥’,,§§§§,“·,,§’,f"* "‘“" sons who shall, during the war in which the United States is now engaged, knowingly and willfully, by physical force or intimidation by threats ofphysrcal force obstruct or retard , or aid in obstructing or retardmg, the orderly conduct or movement in the United States of mterstate or foreign commerce, or the orderly make·up or movement or disposition of any train, or the movement or disposition of zgliyllpcptrslogtvgaégréar, or cgtlher vethsiclpaon any railroad or elsewgiprlei m e m _ enga mm rs teor orei commerce a be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for everygdluch offense shall » be prmisha le by a fiue of not exceeding $100 or by im risonment ma for not exceeding six months, or b both such fine and) im risonu umu una . _Y P to pameee. ment; and the lifresideut of the United States is hereby authorized, whenever 1Il his judgment the public interest requires, to employ the armed forces of the United States to prevent an such obstruction or retardation of the passage of the mail, or of tlire order1y conduct or movement of mterstate or foreign commerce in any part of the United States, or of any train locomotive, car, or other vehicle upon mw any railroad or elsewhere in the United States enga ed in interstate 1,,;,,,,,;,.,,,,,,;,,,,, M or foreign c0m1nerce:Pr0·mded, That nothin in tgis section shall °**5*gffg,,'mm.m_ be construed to repeal, modify, or affect eitger section six or Section twiinug of an ct entitled An Act to supplement existing laws against awful restraints and monoplolies, and for other pur·poses,’ m,m,m,mW_ approved October fifteenth, nineteen uudred and fourteen.

•;¤wgmm•ggaén as- That during the continuance of the war in which the United

` SWWB is ¤0W 0¤g¤g¢}d the President is authorized if he finds it necessary for the national defense and securit , to direct that such trai'tic_or such shipments of commodities as, in his `udgmeut, may be msentral to the national defense and secruity shall have reference or Omms to hm P1'10¤ty HQ i>1‘¤¤?ortat1011_by any common carrier by railiroad water, creases 0i' §l5h61'W1$¢· 6_m8y give these directions at and for such times as e may determme, and may modify, change, suspend, or aunul them, au for any such purpose he is hereby authorized to issue orders direct, or through such tperson or persons as he ma designate g>&tl;3Sp1}1•p0se or through e Interstate Commerce (g>mmiSSi0¤- C,,mpema,,m,_ u_ G1 0 _ the United States, when so designated, shall receive 110

  • ’°““s· °‘°· ;’g§‘l;;§‘;i'·($’%ff°:hth*i?F ?;;lVIg€$ rendered hereunder, Persons not in

e ni _ . tates so desi ated shall receive such compensation as the President may fix. gnSuitable offices may be