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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/292

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 51,52. 1917. 273 rented and all necessary expenses, includinv compensation of persons so designated shall be paid as directed {by the President out of funds which may have been or may be provided to meet expendi- C _ h V tures for the national security and defense. The common carriers ag$ZL§rSmm$'ua{Lg€ subject to the Act to regulate commerce or as many of them as ,§°;{,‘e§g,{,°,‘;§"'° "°*‘°°S· desire so to do are hereby authorized without reslponsibility or liabilit on the part of the United States, Hnancia or otherwise, to establish and maintain in the city of Wasliington during the period of the war an agency empowered by such carriers as Join in the arrangement to receive on behalf of them all notice an service of such orders and direction; as may ble; Hqsged indaccordance witlhiais Act, and service u n suc a enc s a e goo service as to a e . carriers joining inpothe estabhshnient thereof. And it shall be the wf€§°?°”t°b°°°mph°d duty of an and all the officers, agents, or employees of such carriers by railroadr or water or otherwise to obey strictly and conform promptl to such ordeis, and failure knowingly and wi fully to comply P°“““Y’°"°““’°· therewithpr to do or perform whateveris necessary to the prompt execution of such order, shall render such officers, agents, or employees %§y of a misdemeanor, and any such officer, agent, or employee , upon conviction, be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned mm M mnspom not morethan one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. For mm to is use by the transportation of persons or property in carrying out the orders °°"“"’““"’· and directions of the President, just and reasonable rates shall be fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission; and if the transportation be for the Government of the United States it shall be paid for currently or monthly by the Secretary of the_'llreasury out mf t of any funds not otherwise appro riated. Any earner complying ¤,mp°§.Y'g;°§'.gS¥§m’ with any such order or direction for preference or priority erem authorized shall be exempt from any and all provisions in existing law imposing civil or criminal {pains, penalties, obligations, or liab1h— ties upon carriers by reason o giving preference or priority in compliance with such order or direction} Approved, August 10, 1917. CHAP. 52.-—An Act To myide further for the national security and defense by A@·%8}3?l7· stimulating agriculture and 'tating the distribution of agricultural products. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgiz:·eeentat·ives of the United ° States of America in. Congress assembled, at, for the urpose of £d¤gg&¤*t;¤*¤¤ fwd more e ectually providing for the national security and dgfense and P r¤wer§°¤»£ue·¤a to carrying on the war with Germany by gathering authoritative infor- g'$,,,g°§§§';,§{§,f2$§• *“' mation concerning the food supply, by increasing production, by preventing waste of the food supply, by regulating the distribution thereof, and by such other means and methods as are hereinafter Irgovided, the powers, authorities, duties, obligations, and prohibitions reinafter set forth are conferred and rescribed. mvmpm, of dg Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the gg{;*é;{°*:&¤¤Q)Q·g§; President, is authorized to investigate and ascertain the demand for, iznmc the supply, consumption, costs, and prices of, and the basic facts relating to the ownership, production, transportation, manufacture, storage, and distribution o , foods, food materials, feeds, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural implements and machinery, and any article required in connection with the production, distribution, or utilization of food. It shall be the duty of any person, when requested by m§_?;”¤g‘gc“°‘Y ‘°’“' the Secretary of Agriculture, or any agent acting under his instruc- ' tions, to answer correctly, to the best of his knowledge, under oath or otherwise, all questions touching his knowledge of any matter authorized to be investigated under this section, or to produce all books, letters, papers, or documents in his possession, or under his 112-460°—von 40-Yr 1--18