SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52. 1917. 275 Provided, That certificates issued b the authorized a ents of the P'°"”°’- .m department shall be received in all clourts as prima facig evidence of Emm (Mmm m` the truth of the statements therein contained; and otherwise carrying women to be em. out the purposes of this Act, $2,522,000: Provided further, That the P’°Y°‘*- Secretary of Agriculture shall, so far as practicable, engage the services of women for the work herein provide for. _ _ For miscellaneous items, inc uding the salaries of Assistant Secre- "’°"‘°‘" taries appointed under this Act; special work in crop estimating; aiding agpncies in the various States in supplying farm labor; enlarging the informational work of the Department of Agriculture; an printing and distributing emergency leaflets, posters, and other publications requiring quick issue or large editions, $650,000. p,m,,_ Provided, That the employment of any person under the provisions °n§*gP'g§;¤ of this Act shall not exempt any such person from military service ash. under the provisions of the selective draft law approved May eight- ""“""7°‘ eenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. lt shall be the duty of the Secretary of Agriculture to submit to °‘ °‘P°"‘“‘ Congress at its regular session in December of each year a detailed report of the expenditure of all moneys herein appropriated. _ Sec. 9. That the Act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and °,§° e‘f,‘*'““"“°· ninety, entitled "An Act providing for an inspection of meats for Vol. 26, i>· 414, exportation, prohibiting the importation of a ulterated articles of °“}?Q,‘l’{,lj104,g_ food or drink, and authorizing tlhe President to make Iproclamation in certain cases, and for other urposes" (Twenty-sixt Statutes at Large, page four hundred and fliurteen), is hereby amended so as to p,,T§§°‘,m,5§§l'°'$Z,§§l,u'§‘p°t$ authorize the Secretary of Agriculture, within his discretion and ¤¤Y¤°*¤P°¤°°- under such joint regulations as mafy be rescribed by the Secretaxéy of Agriculture and the Secretary o the Treasury, to permit the a - mission for immediate slaughter at ports of entry of tick-infested cattle which are otherwise free from disease and which have not been exposed to the infection of any other disease within sixtgedays next before their e?>ortation from Mexico, South and ntral America, the islands o the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea into may *¤ bs dmcthose parts of the United States below the southern cattle quarantine va. za, pp. es, m. line at such ports of entry as may be des0¥nated by said joint regulations and also subject to the provisions sections seven, eight, nine, and_ ten of said Act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety: PWM Provided, That the imp-prtation of tick-infested cattle from any ceunmésexeiuaai. coimtry referred to in t `s section in which foot·and-mouth disease exists, which existence shall be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, is prohibited: Provided {urther, That all cattle imported Mw ¤¤;¤i>t¤:¢i¤¤ re imder the provisions of this section s all be slaughtered in accordance °°°m°°° ° g°v°m' with the revisions of the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six &`hirty-fo1u·th Statutes at Large, page six hundred and V<¤·34,pv-674.1¤w· seventy-four), commonly called the meat inspection amendment, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the Secretary of Agriculture, and that their hides shall be disposed of under D’“¥’°'“*°“ °‘ "*°°°· rules and regpllations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Sec. 10. at section six of the Act of Congress approved June ,,,"§_$,§,*{°°h°‘°°’*°°‘*’ seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten, "An Act to provide for an Voéédsc, p. 532. enlprlged homestead, " be, and the same is hereby, amended to read mm ‘ as o ows: "Sec. 6. That whenever the Secretary of the Interior shall find mi iiiiiiil»iiiih3i1il:ii•i any tracts of land in the State of Idaho, subject to entry under this ‘*"“‘*"‘°‘°"· . Act, do not have upon them such a sunicieut supply of water suitable for domestic purposes as would make continuous residence upon the lands possible he may, in his discretion, designate such tracts of land, Am,,,m,,,_,,d_ not to exceed in the aggregate one million acres, and thereafter they u!§?{1¤¤¢¤ ¤¤*= N- shall be subject to entry under this Act without the necessity of resi- q pmim. dence upon the land entered: Provided, That the entryman shall in v,$,,‘§°,‘§‘{,Q§,Q’° °“’"‘ good faith cultivate not less than one-sixteenth of the entire area of
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