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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/293

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274 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52. 1917. P¤¤*=¤¤¤°¤° '°* *’°· t I rel t'n t ch matter. Any person who shall, within a · i$lB'f°l°°S°°t°m°¤iS’ :e)aIisdr(iable_£tiin§_td) lil; prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture, not exceeding thirty days from the date of the receipt of the request, willfully fail or refuse to answer such questions or to produce such books, etters, ¥;8i£€l‘S, ordocurnents, or who shall wrllfully give any answer that IS _ _ e or misleadndigi shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, $1§p8§¤°§?l.‘§'§3§’,‘§..tt*§3§€.ZE¤i“mJL€{£§,73f§‘§‘Z§’3';.$“°0?‘i?,2§°°°d` m§;g*:bg3*gh{*g:,t§1¤tg énci 3. That whenever the Secretary of Agriculture shall End that at-mm. there is or may be a special need in any restricted area for seeds s a e e c , e ,*2;,;):..:0:.2E:..2::iu..212.¤,z£.€:’:.d.;*;.e.%:.:2r..*;s.1?,:12*;22t;;.;€ and to furnish them to farmers for cash, at cost, including the expense of gacking and transportation. _ _ _ _ Sggggm 'lu no. 4. That the Secretary of Agriculture IS authorized to cooperate ' with such State and local officials, and with such public and rivate agencies, or persons, as he finds necessary, and to make such rules and regulation? akre necessary effectively to carry out the preceding sections o t ct. SQL'; ·*g·, Sec. 5. That the President, by and with the advice and consent Aglctiiltureautllorined. of the Senate, mag appomt two additional Assistant Secretaries of vii, °°&§f"’§_° ap, Agriculture, who s all perform such duties as may be required by law °‘“°""""· or p1rescribed bygahe Secretary of Agriculture, and who shall each be par a s o 5 000 per annum.

§ff§§§ Sec. Glléllhet thai President is authorized to direct an agency or

aepmsderr organization of the _Govemment to cooperate with the Secretary of

 in oarrying out the purposes of this Act and to coordinate

theriactryitxes so as to avoid any preventable loss or duplication of wor .#i°f'""’ °' “""" Sec. 7. That words usedin this Act shall be construed to import the plural or the as the case demands, and the word "person," wherever used rn this Act, shall include individuals, partnerships, A it associations, and coppgrations. indi emete. Sec. 8. That_for purposes of this_Act, the following sums are hereby appropriated, out of any moneys m the Treasury not otherwise Emmaus nw appropriated, available immediately and until June thirtieth, nineteen stock umm, etc. hundred and eighteen: For the prevention control, and eradication of Cmamng mm the diseases 8H pests of live stock; the enlargement of live-stock proproducts. duction; and the conservation and utilization of meat, poultry, dairy, Pmmwm M. and other animal products, $885,000. ami,. ’ _ For pmcwrdhgizsstornng, and furnishing seeds, as authorized by section three of Act, $2,500,000 and this fund may be use as B Endwm mm revolvmlg fund June thrrtieth, mneteen hundre and eighteen pam ¤e.,.a. _For the_prevention, control, and eradication of insects an plant diseases m]ur1ous to agriculture, and the conservation and utilization FM m_"w_ of Fplant products, $441,0®. _ _ _ dommmatmm, ee. or increasmp food }:·oduction_and eliminating waste and romotmg conservation o fopd_ y educational and demonstrationalp methods, GMM bmw thriough county, district, and urban agents and others, $4,348,400- 9::é:§ar pro· or (gathering authoritative information in connection with l·l19 ' 31115 (dph the production, sppiply, distribution, and utilizaggg , _ orwise carrying ou e purpose of section two of l Act;_extend::g fapd enlarging the market news service; and PIG- . ,, _ ,,,, K§.'iemg““g·"“e,‘i¤.?§St’.?.5$°.£n“;‘§; 12 ‘i’t“?3il°t§’ *‘°l" ‘°‘ i“§i “d`”$° gL·¤ik;:&ea.,¤tmm ucis; for enabling the Secretary of Agricu]|7u:2z)I;¤B;1;:jggigP5:nd ooljnfy to BIZEIPPHIB the condition as soundnem of fruits, veget8l1l¤S» an kother ood products, when received at such important central mar ets as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time designate and under such and regulations as he may prescribe: