340 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 67, 68. 1917. 0¤¤>b¤¥ 5, Wi"- CHAP. 67.—An Act Extending the time for the construction of a bridge acrom the [H· R' 583*] Mississippi River in Aitkin County, Logan Township, State of Minnesota. Public, No. 54.] _ Jmmppi BML Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Tim extended fdr States of America in Uongress assembled, That the times for commencl§,§l,,“§,f‘m,,"},_ Mkm ing an completin the construction of a bridge, authorized by Act of V°*- cd_39· P· 72*- Congress approver? September fifth, nineteen hundred sixteen, to be built across the Mississippi River at its intersection with the division line between sections twenty-six and twenty-seven, township forty-nine north, range twenty-five west, fourth grincipal meridian, in the county of Aitkm, Lo Township, in the tate of Minnesota, gre hgreby extended one anglhtliree years, respectively, from the date ereo . ·‘·“‘°""“”"*· Sec. That this right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, October 5, 1917. 0ct0ber5,1917. is- 2673-] CHAP. 681jAn Act Defining the status of of the United Stateewho have [public, Nm 5,;] p§r:1t$;•d the military or naval services of certain countries during the existing war in °“**¤*%l*?· _ Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 the United ¤oiis°i’1°tg¤ii1if¤i?£sgv°i- States of Amerigg in Congress assembled, `ll'hat any person, fbrmerly an {E1? ‘{?§}€g'§ "S,§{§ American citizen, who may be deemed to have expatriated himself “*{,*gi*’g, p_ um under the pdrovisions of the_ first paragraph of section two of the Act 1·»e,p{w. approved arch second, nineteen hundred and seven, entitled "An ct in reference to the expatriation of citizens and their rotection abroad," by taking, since August first, nineteen hundred fourteen, an oath 0 allgance to any foreign State engaged in war with a country with `ch the United States is at war, and who took such oath in order to be enabled to enlist in the armed forces of such foreign _ State, and who actually enlisted in such armed forces, and who has been or may be duly and honorably discharged from such armed forces, may, upon complying with the provisions of this Act reassume and acquire the character and privileges of a_ citizen of the United gmm. w States: Provided, however, That no_oblagation m the way of pensions .,bu§,m§,?°i;§F’a,2ig; 01‘ other grants becapse of service m the arm or navy of any other ¤¤m¤¤· gmzuptry, or disabilities incident thereto, shall accrue to the United a es. ,,,;*,,*§{}'°",§§}‘§,’,,{,‘§§,,'; Any such person who desires so to reacquire and reassume the character and_pr1v1leges of a citizen of the United States shall, if abroad, present himself before a consular officer of the United States, or, if m the United States, before any court authorized by law to confer American citizenship ulpon aliens, shall offer satisfacto evidence shot he cohigeslwithm the o§93h§ Act, anld shall txe an oath eclaring a legiance to the m tates an ee` to su ort the Constitution thereof and abjuring and lg; to such foreign State and to every foreign prince, tentate, tate, or '““° °'°°'““°"°“· sovereignty. The consular officer or court officer having j_urisdication sgall thereupon issue in triplicatela certificate of American citizens 1p, giving one copy to t o app icant, retain` one co for his Rigm mmm- files, and forwarding one copy to the Secret oliliabor. Thereafter such person shall in all respects be deem? to have acquired the mlgpeticm, dw-. w character and privileges of a citizen of the United States. The ' Secretary of State and the Secretary of Labor shall jointly issue regulations for the proper administration of this Act. Approved, October 5, 1917.