SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 72. 1918. 549 vessel an entry of such complement of officers and crew including certiiicated lifeboat men, separately stated, which may be changed from time to time by indorsement on such certificate by local inspectors by reason of c ange of conditions or emfployment. Such entry or APM- . indorsement shall e subject to a right o aplpeal, under regulations to be made by the Secretary of Commerce, to the supervising ms ector and from him to the Supervising Inspector General, who shalllhave {the power to revise, set aside, or affirm the said determination of the oca ins ctors. "If anpesuch vessel is de rived of the services of any number of the d§,‘,§$§§§‘,‘§§ §§,",,f.*g§,{{ crew inciiidinig certiiicatedp lifeboat men, separately stated, without avoidablethe consent, ault, or collusion of the master, owner, or any person interested in the vessel, the vessel msg proceed on her voyage if, in the judgment of the master, she is su Glbllbly manned for such voy— ,, . age: Pmvided, That the master shall ship, if obtainable, a number rmmrahg number equal to the number of those whose services he has been deprived of °‘*“‘“‘°’°°’· by desertion or casualty, who must be of the same grade or o a higlher pmt, U dmmcy rating with those whose places theiy fill. If the master shall fai to ¤¤¢¤¤1>¤¤i¤¤d- explain in writing the cause of suc deficiency in the crew including certificated lifeboat men, separate? stated, to the local inspectors within twelve hours of the time of the arrival of the vessel at her des- Om Mums tination, he shall be liable to a penalty of $50. If the vessel shall not ` be manned as provided in this Act the owner shall be liable to a _ penalty of $100, or in case of an insufficient number of licensed oficers to a penaltyhof $500." Rm d Sec. 2. at the board of local inspectors shall make an entry in deck eiimgmnmum the certificate of ins ection of every ocean and coastwise seagoing _,,‘,Q;};,,,_f"· P- 733- merchant vessel of the United States propelled by machinery,,an Numwmumd every ocean-going vessel ca passengers, the minimum number ` pg lipeased deck pihcers required or her safe navigation according to e o owing sca e: That no such vessel shall be na ted unless she shall have on board Mm" anglin her service Ipne duly masts;. d mm at every suc vesse o one thousand gross tons an over, ro- vm]; of I tons lled by machinery, shall have in her service and on board three ¤·¤d°”°*· ,000 ligensed mates, who shall stand in three watches while such vessel is beinglnavigated unless such vessel is engaged in a run of less than four undred miles from the port of departure to the port of Hnal destination, then such vessel shall have two licensed mates; and every vessel of two hundred gross tons and less than one thousand gross ,,,2,‘{{0§,P°,0,,‘§" '°” tons, propelled by machineqy, shall have two licensed mates. ‘ That every such vessel o one hundred gross tons and under two °"'°“°"°“°"· hundred gross tons, propelled by machinery, shall have on board and in her service one licensed mate, but if such vessel is engaged in a trade in which the time required to make the ggssage from the port of departure to the rt 0 destination excee twenty-four hours, then such vessel shalllhave two licensed mates. I H , a That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent local °° ' inspectors from increasing the number of licensed officers on any vessel subject to the inspection laws of the United States, if in their judgment, such vessel is not sufficiently manned for her saf’e naviga- Pmm tion: Provided, That this section shall not apply to fishing or whaling Exceptlpns, imitavessels, yachts, or motor boats as defined in the Act of June ninth, "‘t§$§°6$’§g,§§?““‘ nineteen hundred and ten, or to wreckinglvessels. Lmgmn 0, wm, Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for the master, owner, agent, or duty osewremm. other person having authority to permit an officer of any vesse to take charge of the deckwatch of the vessel upon leavingor immediately after leaving Ext, unless such officer shall ave had at least six hours off dutiywit _ the twelve hours immediately preceding the time of sailing, an no licensed officer on any ocean or coastwise vessel shall be
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