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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/568

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550 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss. II. CHS. 72-74. 1918. required to do duty to exceed nine hours of any twc11ty-four while in port, including the date of arrival, or more than twelve hpurs of any Penn I _ twenty-four at sea except in a case of emcrgcnqy when hfa qr progum. Y °” `”°l°" stty is ondangaraci. Any violation of this soctnon shall subject the Ooumcf pcrsou or liohmous guilty thereof to a. pemylty of $1002 _ p,,,1.,d_ mg ‘““ '°' Sec. 4. at all laws or parts of laws m confhct with tlus Act are hereby repealed. Approved, May 11, 1918. “‘f§»'.%£§2é?}“‘ cnn. va.-Au Act To Hx tho age limits for candidates sor admimion to me Umm

 States Naval Academy.

Be it enacted by dw Senate and House of llepresentatives of the United §¤_§*;‘,·*°f Wg- W States of America in Oangresa assembled, That hereafter all candidates mbgmea. _ ’ for admission to the Naval Academy must be not less than sixteen ,,§`;,;E5g§?°‘1°17*P‘°°" years of ago nor more than twenty years of ago on April first of tho §j)·{*;8°·u calendar year in which they enter the academy: Provided, That the . pp mblotocur- . . . . . me yw. foragoing shall not apply to ca.nd1datcs for mxdshxpmeu dcs@a,ted for entrance to the academy in nineteen hundred and eighteen. Approved, May 14, 1918. {l1?%z1Ff<}§é;] CHAP. 74.-An Act To authorize the President to provide housing for wu needs. [P‘“fl‘°*“°·“"·‘ Be it emwted by the Senate and House3fRepresentatives of the United m}§;{S’“g ‘°' "°‘ States' of America in Congress assemble , That the President, for the President to provide purposes of providing h0usi11§,_l0cal transportation and other genorpl QggS§§ggg'§;§gg§;§'§l‘§,$ community utxhtnes for suc mdustrial workers as are engaged m iugm wr- arsenals and navy yards of the United States and in industries con- _ nectcd with and essential to the national defense, and their families, tr§jg‘})F;‘@(§flf!§1,}i';_ D** and also empgoveos of the United States whose duties require them to reside in t c`District. of Columbia, and whose services are essential to war needs, and their families, only during the continuation of the Pcwersccnfermd. existing war, is hereby authorized and empowered, within the limits I h e d of F}? ékruounti herein agt}1gri€ed— uQ~‘;’,$ *30; °°§§ 22;; ¤ opurc asc, ac mrc casqconstruct re uisizioo, or ac uu-o Emil ’$rwwY>;>;{¤?i¤¤C by condemnation or qby such houses, i>ui?dings, fumishgngs, °°°‘ imxprovvments, local trunsponation and other general commumty ut' ities and parts thereof as he may determine to be necessary for the pro cr conduct of the existing war. thQgj§*;t;{¤*'<*‘¤¤¤ (b) 'lpo purchase, lease, reqqismion, or acquire by condemnation ' or by gift any improved or ummproved land, or any right, title, or interest t-herein 011 which such houses, buildings, improvements, local transportation and other general community utilities and lparts {f~*j;m1(n t COL thereof have been or may be constructed: ]’rmnZded, That col egos, 1¤§é??§»%\·§¢¤°?¤r‘$aSh- museums, libraries, State or mummpal buddmgs, and the furnishings i“¥€~"“" in rivate dwellings shall not be acquired excegt by contract, nor Qc¤=x»i~¤-1»~·e1¤i¤gs- sha?} any occupied dwelling or place of abode 0 taken under the Lommcxstor. - · · powers 111 thus Act gnven except by contract unless the necessnty thereof shall be determined by a judve of the circuit or district court of the United States exercising jurisdiction in the locality 011 etition setting forth the reason and necessity for such taking; the genrinv on such etition shall be upon notice to the owner and occupant, o? such dwcgliug, and the determination of such judge shall be final, but in 110 event shall any occupied private dwelling house be taken except by contract mrdcm such dwelling be ulpon lands desired for O¤E(§j§;}ggt;¤;g?§*l¤ifiQ;; the construction of a. Government structure: rcvided further-, That, <}ovemme¤t¤otapp1i— no existing lumtatxon upon the rwbt of any pcxsou to make a. con- “‘“°· mact with the United States shalf apply to owners whose property