552 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 74: 1918. local transportation and other eneral communigly utilities, and parts thereof, immediate possession tiiereof may be then to the extent of the interest to be acquired and the same may be occupied, occihpant msmctmummb being given ten days' notice in which to vacate, and used, an the ¢tc.,susp¤¤deq, ’ rovisions of section three hundred and hfty-five of the Revised R‘°"s°°‘35"’*"°°‘ Statutes, providing that no public money shall be expended 1:-pon such land until the written opinion of the Attorney General sha be had in favor of the validity of the title, nor until the consent of the legislature of the State in which the land is located has been given, shall be, and the same are hereby, suspended as to all real estate I n ac uired hereunder. I P°”°“ °°"’°'“°°‘ Sec. 4. That the word "person" used herein shall include any person, trustee, firm, or corporation. i§,iZZ”,${s°°°”S°wi°h Sno 5- That the power an authority granted herein shall cease with the termination of the present war, except the power and authoripy to care for, sell, or rent such property as remains undisposed o and to conclude and execute contracts or the sale of prop- "°’°·°°°··°‘¥"°P“°Y· erty made during the war. Such property shall be sold as soon rms,) after the conclusion of the war as it can be advantageously done: .4¢n¤¤“¤1 congress Promided, That before any sale is consummated the same must be ""“"°°‘ authorized by Congress. g,§,'§{"°*"'"“° °°“‘ Sec. 6. That at the beginning of each session of Congress the D•*¤·“¤SP°°m°d· President shall make to Congress a full and detailed report covering all of the transactions with relation to the subject matter of this Act, describing each parcel of land purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired, the improvements made thereon, together with the amount of money spent in connection therewith an the disposition of the same; descriptions of all parcels of lproperty sold, to whom, the terms of sale, and the status of the tit e at the time of the making of such report; descrlption of each piece of property purchased under the terms of this ct and still owned by the Govemment and the estimated value; a list showing the names of all persons who have been emiployed in any capacity to aid in carrying) out the provisions · of this ct, the service rendered by each and the amount of compensation, includinghfees, commimions, allowances, and traveling expenses paid to eac , and a full, detailed, itemized statement show- Fmm rt ing each and every_transaction in the execution of the trust herein p° created, and immediately after the declaration of ace the President shall make a final report to Congress covering in dttail all the operations and transactions, under and by virtue of the terms of this Act. ,,,§‘§§f,*f‘,{.‘§,‘}k;'{cf’°“‘ Sec. 7. That no work to be done or contract to be made under or · PMP- 595- by authority of any provision of this Act shall be done or made on or under a ercentage or cost-plus percentage basis, nor shall any contract be lgt until at least three responsible competing contractors shall have been notified and considers in connection with such contract, . and all contracts to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, the Govemment reserving the right to reject any an all bids. }.{',§Q",§{°,,’·{,‘{f"°"‘°‘*· Sec. 8. That for carrying} out the provisions of this Act and for hmm the administration thereof the sum of $60,000,000, or so much thereof main és mmm. as may be necessa , is hereby authorized: Promkled, That {,,,"‘,§§,;,§ D‘s“"°‘ °'C°‘ $10,000,000, or so mueih thereof as may be necessary, of the amount hereby authorized shall be used only to build or acquire, as herein provided housing accommodations within the District of Columbia Conmiou Mmm) or such Govemment employees as can not be used as advantageously miikiiiig, Y in other cities in the service of the Government, of which the sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as shall be necessary therefor, shall be used by the Superintendent of the United States Ca itol Buildings and Grounds to convert the building known as the Miiltby Building into an apartment house or for office purposes: Provided further, That
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