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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/569

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 74. 1918. 551 the President determines is necessary) for Government purposes and desires to either lease or purchase y contract under this or any other riot authorizing the President to acquire property by lease or purc ase. (c) To e ui , manage, maintain, alter, rent, lease, excha e, sell, M°¤¤¢¤¤•¤t ¤=*¤· and conveyqsuldh lands, or any right, title, or interest thereinitliouses, °t°"°1pmp°m°S' buildings, improvements, local transportation and other general community utilities, parts thereof, an equipment upon such terms ,,m,M_ and conditions as he may determine: Provided, That no sale and ctnammtmiis. conveyance shall be made hereimder on credit without reserving a Fmdis wml, first hen on such propergy for the unpaid purchase money: Provided ac., r¤rts·i·iZi¤.’ further, That in no case all any property hereby acquired be given away, nor shall rents be furnished ree, but the rental charges shall be reasonable and just as between the employees and the Government. Md b hm to (d) To aid_in providing, equipping, managing, and maintaining sm pmhinsg imgggf houses buildings, improvements, local transportation and other °‘°· general community utilities by loan or otherwise to such dpemon or persons and upon such terms and conditions as he may termine: Pmim romkied, That no loan shall be made at a less rate of interest than mmeriinusmety. five per centum per axmum, and such loan shall be promy secured by hen, mortgage, or otherwise: Ami provikledfurther t no loan m§Q§”°¤S***P ****1***** shall be made and no house or money given under Act to any · person not an American citizen. (e) To take possession of, alter, repair im rove, and suitably {);§'Q,°g$Zff',$a°2,“,§‘,},]§’,,"}_ arrange for living purposes to be used undfer tli)e terms of this Act $**1* °W¤°¤ b¤i*d*¤s¤ all houses on square six hundred and thirty-three except the Maltby ` Building, owned by -the United States, together with any other houses in the District of Columbia owned by the Government and Use ,,, ummm not now occupied. The President shall, in the construction of ,<§;d~;g;:¤bmp¤¢¤w¤¤d buildings in the District of Columbia, make use of any lands owned ' by the Government of the United States deemed by him to be suita le for the purpose and which have not heretofore been dedicated by Act of Congress for specific buildings. E _ The President may exercise any power or discretion herein grant- ttc,x°°°°i°°°"’°w°”* ed, and may enter into any arrangement or contract inci ental thereto, through such agency or agencies as he may create or desig- _ nate: Provided, That houses erected by the Government under the ·{·°§$,{;$§’,g,,ch,,,c,,, authority of this Act shall be of only a temporary character except °">°”¤i¤¢=· where the interests of the Government will be best subserved by the USO 0, mm of th erection of buildings of a permanent character: Provided further supemsmgimhxtecd That whenever it is practica le to use anglpart of the office or field force of the Office of the Su rvising chitect of the Treasury Department in or about any ogw the work contemplated by this Act, ' the President shall do so. . _ Sec. 2. That whenever the President shall pnuchase, lease, re- d,‘Q§§,'g,‘{$,'g§°"‘{j’y‘°,*,{g quisition, or acquire by condemnation or by Lgift such land or right, Pr¤¤id¤¤¢· title, or interest therein, or such houses, bu' dings, furnishings, unprovements, local transportation and other general community utilities, and parts thereof, he shall make just complensation therefor, to be determined by him, and if the amount thereof so deter- °·”‘°“°‘ ‘ mined is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be aid seventy-tive per centum of the amount so determined and shall he entitled to sue the United States to recover Such further sum as, added to such seventy-Eve per centum, will Pnmdm make up such amount as will be just com ensation therefor in the ucl. w, im- 1093. manner provided {or by section twenty-i)our, aragraph twenty, 113* and section one hundred and forty-five of the J udilcial Code. Sec. 3. That upon the requisition of or the filing of a etition for sig,T$1°'ii1{’£”g exisigf the condemnation hereunder of such land, or an right, title, or inter- ”““°“P°““°“· est therein, or such houses, buildings, furniséngs, improvements, '