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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/573

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sixrrr-FIFTH ooivcnnss. Sess. 11. on. 77. 1918. 555 CHAP. 77.-—An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the estab- MBV 20,i9i8· lishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasu? Department," ap ved September second, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and an ct in amendment thiegeto, [Public, Ne.1s1.] approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ry' the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That section thirteen, article B,Y,Vg’§,§“k h““““‘°° one, of the Act approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seven- Am 399 ammd_ teen, entitled "An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of ee. ’ p' ’ War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department/’ be, and is hereby, amended by striking out the following words in the last sentence: M tt k t "to regulate the matter of compensation, if any, but in no case to ° "”°"° °“ °"‘ exceed ten per centum, to be paid to claim agents and attorneys for services in connection with any of the matters provided for in articles N Y, i H i two, three, and four," and insert at the end of the sentence the fol- Stax pmm ° S u` lowing words: "Pr0·mkZed, however, That payment to any attorney or agent for such assistance as may be required in the preparation and execution of the necessary papers shall not exceed $3 m any one case: A edfurther, That no claim agent or attorney shall be recogniz in the resentation or adjudication of claims under articles two, three, and fgur, except that H1 the event of disagreement as to a claim under the contract of insurance between the bureau and any beneficiary or beneficiaries thereunder, an action on theiclaim may be brought against the'United States in the district court of the United States in and for the district in which such benehciaries or any one of them resides, and that whenever judgment shall be rendered in an action brought ursuant to this provision, the court, as part of its judgment, shali) determine and allow such reasonable attorney’s fees, not to exceed five per centum of the amount recovered, to be paid by the claimant in behalf of whom such proceedings were instituted, to his attorney. , "Any person who shall directl or indirectly solicit, contract for, charge, or receive, or who shall attempt to solicit, contract for, cha e, or receive, any fee or compensation, except as herein providdd, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each and every offense shall be jjlunishable by a fine of not more than $500 or b im risonment at ard labor for not more than two years, or by both sudh fine and imprisonment/’ so that the section as amended shall read as follows: A _ "Sec. 13. That the director, subject to the general direction of ,;g`;$,'§i“;¥§?§QZ§’,;°t§; the Secretary of the Treasury, shall administer, execute, and enforce l])i*°°°°’· the provisions of this Act, and for that purpose have full power and authority to make rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, necessary or appropriate to carry out its purposes, and shall decide all questions arising under the Act, except as otherwise provided in section Eve. Wherever under any provision R°g“l°“°¤$· or provisions of the Act regulations are directed or authorized to be made, such regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, shall or may be made by the director, subject to the eneral direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. The director shall adopt reasonable P‘°°°d“"’i°*°· and roper rules to govern the procedure of the divisions and to reguliite and provide for the nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the method of taking and furnishing the same in order to establish the right to benefits of allowance, allotment, compensation, or insurance provided for in this Act, the forms of a plication of those claiming to be entitled to such benefits, the method; of making investigations and medical examinations, and the manner and P . form of adjudications and awards: Provided, however, That payment riridiwth attorneys’ to any attorney or agent for such assistance as may be r uired in f°°s‘ the preparation and execution of the necessary papers Bslrall not A ms mmm, to exceed $3 in any one case: And prcnridedfurther, That no claim agent Sciigrs im insurance Or attorney shall be recognized in the presentation or adjudicatiim °]°imsm°°“"`