556 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 77, 78. 1918. of claims under articles two, three, and four, except that in the event of disagreement as to a claim under the contract of insurance between the bureau and an beneficiary or beneficiaries thereunder an action on the claim may fie brought against the United States m the district court of the United States in and for the district in which such beneiispliaiiels or any pine of them reiides, land that wheneyler 'ud ent a e rendere in an action roug t ursuant to t `s mggtgnmimtien by iirogigion the court, as part of its judgment, shall) determine and ' allow such reasonable attorney’s fees, not to exceed five per centum of the amount recovered, to be paid by the claimant in behalf of whom such proceedings were instituted to his attorney, said fee to be dpaid out of the payments to be made to the beneficiary under the ju gment rendered at a rate not exceeding one·tenth of each of such P i h nt { payments until paid. _ _ _ _ _ chm,‘g},g’ uggthoing Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, solicit, contract for, f¤¢¤· charge, or receive, or who shall attempt to solicit, contract for, charge, or receive any fee or compensation, except as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each and every offense shall be unishable by a fine of not morethan $500 or by imprisonment at hard labor fo1;’not more than two years, or by both such fine and im risonment. ' p,§f,’§}“ *"°""‘*°“ '°‘ gm. 2. That Article IV of said Act, approved October sixth, nine- Am. P- 410- teen hundred and seventeen, entitled "An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury De artgientjf is liereby amended by striking out section four hundred and ve ereo . Approved, May 20, 1918. “?§_§‘}y}?{"· cmu-. 7a.-in Act Authorizing the rrooidonr to coordinate or consolidate ———1—1—— executive bureaus, agencies, and offices, and for other purposes, in the interest of [P“bh“*I`*°·152·] economy and the more efficient concentration of the Government. Be it emwted by the Senate and H0'Ui8li(;)_f Representatives of the United ,cS€§‘,?§l§§,°§f,$,‘;_§{c$" States of America in Congress assemb , That for the national secuthe¤gg;i§,j’n{¤¤§¤Lgi;¤ rity and defense, for the successful prosecution of the war, for the g . present wa.r.to utilize support and maintenance of the Army and Navg, for the better §?§,§§,f,§l§f‘§}‘§§, utilization of resources and mdustries, and for the more effective ¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤- exercise and more efficient administration by the President of his owers as Commander in Chief oi the land and naval forces the gresident is hereby authorized to make such redistribution of functions among executive encies as he may deem necessary, including y functions, duties, add powers hitherto by law conferred u on an an P Y executive department, commission, bureau, aggzcy, office, or officer, _ in such manner as in his judgmentshall seem t fitted to carry out ,,XQ§*{,,?,,’§ugE,§§‘“”· the purposes of this Act, and to this end is authorized to make such regulations and to issue such orders as he may deem necessary which regulations and orders shall be in writing and shall be filed hmm with the head of the department affected and constitute a public nnrition or on- record: Provokled, That this Act shall remain in force during the cod- “"’""`· tinuance of the resent war and for six months after the termination Temmum not to of the war by dhs proclamation of the treaty of peace, or at such naooroozodononro. earlier time as the resident may designate: Promded further, That the t;e@ation of this Act shall plot affect any algls done or any right _ _ or o_ 1ga·tion anicruing or accrue pursuant to Act and durm ,,,,,l;*,‘,,‘Q*°,,f,’,,,§§’,c,°°,f§ {{,2 Lhe tlpit thiieigctiiil bgorcez farther, That tpe authority; wv- y c ii-an s exerc o m matters re atinv to the { conduct of the present war. y ¤ ,,_,§§`§§fS‘;§,d° ,,,§§§',§§§§{ Src. 2._ That in carrying out the purposes of this Act the President ¤f <1¤:z¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤. mo is authorized to utilize, coordinate, or consolidate any executive or authorized. . . . . . . administrative commissions, bureaus, &g€HC19S, offices, or officers
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