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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/576

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558 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 79, 80. 1918.

  • ""*`”"· o reviousl re tered under the terms ofsaid Act: Provided, That

iailiaiiiidhsi. atm. iihose per5son§l1§egistered under the provisions of this Act shall be placed at the bottom of the list of those liable for military service, in the several classes to which they are assigned, under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe.

  • ,§g§!§f_’gf_‘g,;QbYp,°g Sec. 2. That after the day, set under section one hereof for the

lamation. _ registration by roclamation y the President at such intervals as the P°°"· P· **81* *83* President may From time to time prescribe, the President may require that all male persons, citizens of the United States and all male persons residing in the United States, who have attained the age of twenty-one years since the last preceding date of registration, and on or before the next da set for the registration by proclamation by the P°"°'” °‘°""’°°°’ President, except such persons as are exempt from registration under the Act of May e' hteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and any Act or Acts amerixdatory thereof, shall be registered in the same manner and subject to the same requirements and liabilities as those prei=i§°$iii$%r¤¤ gr arm. viously registered under the terms of said Act: Promkied, That students ggltgfd m°*‘*°’* ““‘ who are pre arinlg for the ministry in recognized theological or divinity schools, and) stu ents who are preparingsfor the practice of medicine and su ery in recognized medical schoo , at the time of the a proval of thisgct shall be exempt from the selective draft prescribed m the is t Hm t Act of Mav eighteenth, mneteen hundred and seventeen. ,

 msdvm imi Sec. 3. That all such rsons when registered shall be liable to

aw P9 _ wif; military service and to draft under the terms of said. Act approved c, p. 78. . . May eighteenth, mneteen hundred and seventeen, under such regula-. tgons gsghe President may prescribe not inconsistent with the terms o said ct. _,§‘§,§'§i..‘C“’bi§i '°"”°' Sec. 4. That all such persons shall be subgrzct to the terms and provisions and liabilities of said Act approved ay eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, in all respects as if they had been registered m_§gS°¤¤l ¤°“°° in- under the terms of said Act, and every such person shall be deemed to ` have notice of the requirements of said Act and of this `oint resolution upon the publication of any such proclamation by the]President. Approved, May 20, 1918. in zum. lg·,39¤-I C§AP. 80.-An Act Authorizing national banks to subscribe to the American [r·¤b1re,N¤.r53.] National Red Cross. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §"§,§°“§{,‘{,g‘c"§,‘§,;, ,0 States of America in Congress assembled, That during the continuance A¤¤¤ri¤=¤ Mi CMS- of the state of war now existing it shall be lawful for any national banking association to contribute to the American N atronal Red Cross, out of any net profits otherwise available under the law for the declaration of dividends, such sum or sums as the directors of R°l’°"°·°“’· said association shall deem expedient. Each association shall report to the Comptroller of the Currency within ten days after the making of any such contribution the amount of such contribution and the amount of net earnings in excess of such contribution. Such report shall be attested by the president or cashier of the association L, M t 1) mm in like manner as the report of the declaration of any dividend. S°° ° " ° Sec. 2. That all sums so contributed shall be utilized by the American National Red Cross in furnishingl volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of the combatant armies, the voluntary relief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and the relief and mitigation of the suiferi G caused by the war to the people of the United States and their allilid nations. Approved, May 22, 1918.