SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 78, 79. 1918. 557 now existing by law, to transfer any duties or powers from one existin department, commission, bureau, agency, office, or officer to anogier, to transfer the personnel thereof or any part of it either by detail or assignment, together with the whole or any part of the records and ub 10 propert belo 'nglthereto. H It Sec. 3. Tliat the Presidbnt isngirt er authorized to establish an Agrmeyieraqmeesnexecutive agency which may exercise such jurisdiction and control §;{,’{,§,§€,,‘§?“’°”-°‘°·· over the production of aeroplanes aeroplane engines, and aircraft mgyproprhtwnstom equipment as in his judgment may be advantageous; and, further, to ` transfer to such ency, for its use, all or any moneizsnheretofore apgropriaatied for site production of aeroplanes, aerop e engines, an aircr theqmpment. r _ _ I. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ¢¤$iii·1¥1i$1ii$$ii»d- Act, any moneys heretofore and hereafter appropriated for the use p"“°°d‘ of any executive department, commission, bureau, agency, oiisice, or officer shall be expendedonly for the purposesfor which it was appropriated under the direction of such other agency as may be y the President herenmder to perform and execute said unction. Ropormco an Sec. 5. That should the President, in redistributing the functions 1»¤mus¤•w¤{°ri¤r:i?a¤a among the executive agencies as provided in this Act, conclude that °° °°“°°"“‘°°*°‘°‘ any bureau should be abolished and it or their duties and functions ' conferred upon some other department or bureau or eliminated entirely he shall report his conclusions to Congress with such reoommendations as he may deem proper. C H, I bww _SEo. 6. That all laws or parts of laws conflicting with the [K3- pemm. vithiopxs of thisfAct are to the extent of such conflict suspended w e ct is in orce. Upon the termination of this Act all executive or administrative ¤¤i; t$°iit°Zill agencies, departments, commissions, bureaus, offices, or officers shall _ exercise the same functions, duties,. and Epwers as heretofore or as hereafter bylaw may be provided, any au orization of the President under this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, May 20, 1918. ‘ Ma 20,1918. CHAP. 79.—:Ioint Resolution for the registration for military service of all [S' P‘“·‘2*·l male persons citizens of the United States and all male %i-sons residing in the United [Pub. B»es.,No.30.] States who have, since the Hlth day of June, nineteen undred and seventeen, and on or before the day set for the registration by proclamation by the President, attained the age of twenty-one years, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Prem ent may prescribe under the terms of the Act approved May eiggteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, entitled "An Act to authorize the t to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States." Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Re caentativea 0 the United States of Anwrica in Oemgress assem{led,£l"hat duri?jthe present edgy °m°'g°?°y m` emergency all male persons, citizens of the United tates and all ,,,§`f§,°§,*¥,§i,‘;‘g'}§,;§f male persons residing in the United States, who have, since the fifth ¤¤¤i•¢¢ M r¤si=¢r¤¤i<>¤· day o June, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and on or before the Am 80 day set for the registration by proclamation by the President, attained 'p` ' the age of twenty-one years, s all be subject to r$istration in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the resident, and that upon proclamation by the President, stating the time and place of such registration, it s all be the duty of all such persons, except such E,,,,,,,u,,,,,_ persons as are exem t from registration under the Act of May eight- ·*¤*¢· P- 78- eenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and any Act or Acts amendatoiy thereof, to present themselves for and submit to registration un er the provisions of said Act approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and they shall be registered in the same manner and subject to the same requirements and liabilities as those
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