s SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. 65 tions and detailed drawings necessary for the manufacture bg private manufacturers of field artillery ammunition necessary for the use of the land forces of the United States in time of war, and in the pur- a °<3¤m1>¤ti¢i<>¤ modichase of lots of ammunition to complete the object of this proviso the ' existing laws rescribing competition in the procurement of supplies by purchase shall not govern in orders not to exceed $50,000 m any one case. Provided, That hereafter any civilian employee of the Ordnance ed-iii$»°°eii;iii;Zii°i° ii Department who is a citizen o the United tates and employed at S'·°"°”°“"’°°"· any station outside the continental limits of the United States may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, after at least two yea1s’ continuous, faithful, and satisfactory service abroad, and subject to the interests of the public service, be granted accrued leave of cumulm au de absence, with pay, for each year of service, and if an employee °° °w° should elect to postpone the taking of any or all of the leave to which he may be entitled in pursuance hereof such leave may be allowed to accumulate for a period of not exceeding four years, the rate of pay for accrued leave to be the rate obtaining at the time the leave is anted. mmm to be 0, Provieglfurther, That all material purchased under the appropri— American www ations for the Ordnance Department in this Act shall be of American t“{;°;.,,p¤,,_ manufacture, except in cases when, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the nited States to make piuchasas in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of dultiy. hmm o, mhz, Provided urther, hat mileage to oficers of the Ordnance Depart- fr¤¤¤w¤¤·k- ment trave on duty in connection with that department shall be paid from the pppropriation for the work in connection with which the travel is pe ormed. That if duringl the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, in waived ams; eng: the opinion of the President an emergency exists affecting the gen- g°“°’· eral welfare of the United States he may waive the limitations contained in the paryaphs relating respectively to ordnance stores ammunition, man acture of arms, ordnance stores and supplies, and ammunition for field artillery for the National Guard. National Guard. NATIONAL GUARD. Mmm, ¤ ui . ARMING, EQUIPPING, AND TRAINING THE NATIONAL GUARD: To **5;,0,,,,, upgndylzg provide for the procurement of forage, bedding, shoeing, Vétéflhhly ' service and supplies for horses and pack mules that may be owne , gcquireélooby, or issued to organizations of the National Guard, 1,000, . Provided, That the Secret of War is hereby authorized to trans- Prau$°igi°e}¤ra»mamfer to those ortganizations zythe National Guard entitled thereto § _"°'” B°=°'“’ such number o horses and pack mules purchased b the Quarter- Vvl 39.p.¤¢4. master Corps of the Army under the provisions of the Act of July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, not required for the proper equipment of organizations of the Regular Army, that can be issued to l\ational Guard organizations un er the regulations prescribed - by the Secretary of War, all expenses incident to such transfer to be P°>"”°”*· met from appréilpriations made for and on behalf of the National Guard; pack_m es so transferred may be issued not to exceed six to I““°s“m“°"· any one radio company, machine- troop or company, or four to any one ambulance company, un<§di·n such regulations as the SecretarTy of War may prescribe. Pay of mumd mm 0 provide for the compensation of com tent help for the care f¤r<>¤~.¤¤¤- Of matémel, ammals, and equipment thereofl;9 under such regulations p,,,,,,,,_ as the Secretary of War may dprescribe: Provided, That the men to D°¤*“¤°°”¤’”°•*· be compensate , not to excee five for each battery, troop, or com· ` pany, shall be duly enlisted therein and shall be detailed by the 112460°—-vox. 40-Pr 1---5
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