66 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. com an commander under such regulations as l)litdtSg§ieihg;pdf (llIl'a.r mgy ]_;li·escribe, and shall be paid by the United States disbursing officer in each State, Territory, and the District of ` 500,000. Par¤¢iv¤ti¤¤ i¤ 6*1* Colllldugiifiviile for the participation of the whole or any part of the ii;uxiieislil>i¤l`tS’ ma- National Guard in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice and Held and coast defense mstruction, either independently or in conjunction with any part of the_Reg- PaY¤¤d¤U°w¤¤°°¤· ular Army, and there may be set aside from the funds apportioned for that {gurpose and allotted to any State, Territory, or the Distiépt of Colum 1a such portion of said funds as may be necessary or q payment, subsistence, transaportation, and other proper_ expenses o such portion of the Nation Guard of said State, Territory, or the District of Columbia as shall participate in such encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice and Held and coast defense instruction; and the officers and enlisted men of such National Guard while so engaged shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as officers and enlisted men of corresponding grades of the Regular Army are or hereafter may be mameueu camP¤» entitled to by law. To provide for camps of instruction for the §§§‘§,‘§§Y°d by muy instruction of officers and enlisted men of the NationalGuard. Such cam s shall be conducted by officers of the Regular Army detailed by the Secretary of War for the purpose, and may be located either within or without the State, Territory, or District of Columbia which the members of the National Guard des1gnated_ to attend said Fw f<¤ =¤¤¤¤d¤¤°°· cam s shall belong. Officers and enlisted men attendmdg such camps °t°' shelf) be entitled to pay and transportation and enliste men to su - sistence in addition at the same rates as for encampments or maneu- 1,,,,,,,,% vers for Held and coast defense instruction, $1,000,000: Promded,
That from the sum appropriated by section sixteen hundred and
¤g`;Y{,`;°¤°{°°°exi;).i¤:e!;; sixty-one, Revised Statutes, for arming and equipping the whole ‘°}§·S_ MJS6, p_,,,,,_ body of the militia, the sum of $14,409.98, proiportioned to the State V61-$4.p·449Y of Georgia for the year nineteen hundred an fifteen and nineteen hundred; and sixteen be, and the same is hereby, made immediately available for the purpose of paying the ex enses incurred by said State over and above the allotments made lliy the Secretary of War to the State of Georgia from all appro riations therefor in connection with the joint encampment held at igugusta, Georgia, July twenty- second to thirt -first, nineteen hundred and fourteen; an the Secretary of the 'llrreasury is hereby authorized and instructed to pay over said amount to the governor of said State of Georgia for said pur se. ggeiyry- W, M 'ljiiiit from the sum approfpriated by section sixteen hundred and amp: ac.? hxpmes, sixt -one, Revised Statutes, or arming and equipping the whole body ‘°}{’ggf’§,;c_,,,6,_,,_29,,_ of the militia, the sum of $812.60 out of the sum proportioned to the V<>l·54.p·44¤· State of Oklahoma for the year nineteen hundred and sixteen and nineteen hundred and seventeen be, and the same is hereby, made available for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred by said State over and above the allotments made by the Secretary of War to the State of Oklahoma from all appropriations therefor in connection with the construction of the State rifle range at Chandler or the encampment held in Oklahoma in the year nineteen hundred and ten and nineteen hundred and eleven; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay over said amount to the governor of said State of Oklahoma for said impose. rmspemam or Prwided, That of this sum so much thereof as may be necessary is Army troops. · · authorized to be expended for the payment of transportation of troops of the Regular Army in connection with `oint camps of inxaami Guard Ro- struction of the N ational Guard: Provided, That of this sum as much °°"°S‘ thereof as may be necessary is authorized to be expended for the ay, transportation, and subsistence of officers and enlisted men ofp the National Guard Reserve as may be authorized by the Secretary of