nineteen hundred and six (volume thirty-four, Revised Statutes, page seven hundred and sixty-two), are hereb amended as follows: _ "That in time of actual hostilities the Secretary of War may pro- ,,SQ§,§’{,§hmlgg,S P“;’j;§‘f cure from commercial or other printing establishments, by contract mittediu tim of wsror open market purchase, such printing and binding as may be reuired for the use of the Army and also for the National Guard of tlhe several States and Territories and of the District of Columbia or other military forces while in the military service of the United States or about to be called into said service, payment for such printing and binding to be made from available appro riations." N ta T I Provided further, That the Navasota Kansfer Company, a copart— ceuipxisag. ms H nership composed of J. T. Evans and A. J. Riesto, be, and is hereby, ,,,§§s ‘}§§‘§m‘;°§}cf’°“‘ relieved from further performance of its several contracts with the ' Government for the su ply of hay and beddingsat various posts and , places in the Southern Bepartment during the cal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, in view of the changed conditions resulting from the call into the`Federal service of the Organized Militia and the National Guard of the several States, such conditions having resulted in greatly enhancing the price of the supplies and in making the performance of the contract inequitable and a. matter of exceptional hardshi on the contractor; and said contracts shall be regarded as closed, final settlement being made with the contractor at the contract price for the supplies already delivered under the same.
Approved, May 12, 1917.
CHAP. 13.——Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'llhlit That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to take over to the United States the immediate possession and title of any vessel within the jurisdiction thereof, including the Canal Zone and all territories and insular possessions of the United States except the American Virgin Islands, which at the time of coming into such jurisdiction was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war when such vessel shall be taken, or was flying the flag of or was under register of any such nation or any political subdivision or municipality thereof; and, through the United States Shipping Board, or any department or agency of the Government, to operate, lease, charter, and equip such vessel in any service of the United States, or in any commerce, foreign or otherwise.
Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint, subject to the approval of the President, a board of survey, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the actual value of the vessel, its equipment, appurtenances, and all property contained therein, at the time of its taking, and to make a written report of their findings to the Secretary of the Navy, who shall preserve such report with the records of his department. These findings shall be considered as competent evidence in all proceedings on any claim for compensation.
Approved, May 12, 1917.