74 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, or while m the service of the v£§§§_t° °°°s° whim United States; but when such person shall become thereafter separated from the ()fHcers’ Reserve Corps for any reason, the vacancy so caused shall not be filled and such office shall cease and determine: gyifigiptauw °f mm Provided further, That any officer of the Officers! Reserve Corps called for service with his consent in a lower grade than that he d by him in said Reserve Corps shall, subject to such physical examination as may be prescribed, be considered eligible for recommission in such lower grade. _ _ _ _ _ mf,’,{§”*“°° D°P‘“"‘ Provided further, That the following provision contained in the Act Monthly p¤yr¤¤¤¢ ¤f a proved April twenty-third, nmeteen hundred and four, "Hereafter °°if°(iiiy°s°§’§°;`i7°4i$d}s all em loyees of the Ordnance Department whose compensation is P°“°d· annualpshall be paid m0nthly," is hereby repealed. _ Rwmstanents- _ Prmridedfuriher, That the enlisted men who were discharged from ,dR§§§'$i§'$m§;hii§ the Army to accept a commission in the National Guard, or in any ’;j·`ggc§,*}“g5gj§*°“S volunteer force that may be authorized in the future, at the call of ` the President, June ei teenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, be _ _ _ restored to their originalstatus upon reenlistin in the Regular Army: T`m°l”mt' Provided, That they reenlist within three months from date of muster S,,,,,,°,md,t_ out of the United States Service, and that in computing service for retirement and continuous service pay, service as an officer m the National Guard, or in any volunteer force that may be authorized in _ _ the future, while in the service of the United States, be counted. b§,"§,’d“ ‘ "" Prwidedfurther, That hereafter any enlisted man of the Army who shall be discharged to enable him to acce t a commission in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, or in any National Gliiard or militia organization, or in any volunteer force t at may be authorized in the future, and who shall enlist in the Army within three months after the termination of his connection as an officer with that corps, or with any organization of the National Guard or militia, or a volunteer force, or during the continuation of his connection therewith, as an officer, shall, in computin continuous service pay now authorized by law, be entitled to crecét for the period of time actually served by him prior to said discharge, and in computin service for retirement and continuous service pay, service as an officer of the National Guard, while in the service of the United States, service in any volunteer force, and service in the OfEicers’ Reserve Corps in active service shall _ be counted. ,,,§f§‘§‘Q,‘;‘s‘f"§§c_ fgf Provided further, That hereafter no expenditure exceedin $5,000 ¤¤¤¤¢¤<i- shall be made upon any buildin or military post or grounds about the same without the approval ofg the Secretary of War, upon detailed C __ estimates submitted to him.
- ,§§*,*,‘§'gd'Z,‘§,‘,§’],‘§é'§§§; Prmiidedgurther, That, during the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and
eighteen, a civilian employees in the Military Establishment, insnsooaym. cluding on the lump—sum rolls only those persons who are carried
thereon at the close of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall receive increased compensation at the rate of ten per centum per annum to such employees who receive salaries or wages in such establishment at a rate per annum of less than $1,200, and increased compensation at a rate of five per centum per annum to such employees who receive salaries or wages in such Promo establishment at a rate of not more than $1,800 per annum and not ,i_ppm,;,,m.,,,;,,,_ less than $1,200 per annum: And provided further, That so much as may be necessary for this purpose is herebv appro riated out of any Puma mm and moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appiiopriaterli. bi,,dmg_ P fi _ Pnymdedjurther, That section eighty-seven of the printing and bindauieflgb P- ***2: mg Act, approved Januarv twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninetv-five K ept, p. :62, (volume twenty-eight, Revised Statutes, page six hundred and ’ twenty-two), and section two of the act approved Jrme thirtieth,