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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/96

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 15. 1917. 77 organizations and personnel for army corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, squadrons, compames, troops, and batteries as R _ I md the efiic1ency of the service may require: Promdedfunher, That the °¤*¤°¤°° -'°°°* · number of orgamzations m a regiment shall not be increased nor shall the number of regiments be decreased: Provided further,_That Machine·gun mm. the President in his discretion mag organize, officer, and equip for p°”“°S‘ each Infantry and Cavalry briga e machine-gun companies, and_ for each Infantry and Cavalry d1v1sion four machine—gun companies, ni addition to the machine;gun companies compgised in organizations included m such_ briga es and divisions; romded mgmgg *¤°*°*'·°‘**‘ further, That the President m his discretion may orgamze for each P division one armored motor-car machine-gum company. The ma- °”°“”°1‘ chine—gun companies organized under this section shall consist of such commissioned and enlisted personnel and be equipped m such _,pp,mmm, 0, 0,,, manner as the Pres1dent may prescribe: And gumded further, That ws. officers with rank not above t at of colonel s all be alppomted by the President alone, and officers above that grade gy the President gg and with the advice and consent of the Senate: _ further, com cum. at the President may in his discretion recommission m the Coast mf;'”’g'° Guard ersons who have heretofore held commissions in the Revenue- Simed. Cutter Service or the }CoasthGuard and hiqge glefp the service hplnoraably, after ascertaining t at they are qua e or service p ysic y, morall , and as to age and military fitness. Fourllh. The President is further authorized, in discretion and at such time as he mag deterrmne, to raise and begm the training of mgan additional force of ye hundred thousand men organized, officered, and equipped, as provided for the force first mentioned m the pre- · ceding paragraph of this section. _ _ Rum, tuium ·Fifth. To raise by draft, organize, equip, and officer, as provided uma. ° in the third paragraph of this section, in addition to and for each of the above forces, suc recruit training units as he may deem necessary for the maintenance of such forces at the maximum strength. Mmm _ Sixth. To raise, organize, officer, and maintain dnirirgg the emer- ¤ws¢¤b¤r·&¥¤m' gencysuch number of ammumtion batteries and batt ons, depot atteries and battahons, and such artillery parks, with such numbers I and grades of personnel as he may deem necessary. Such orgam— zations shall be officered in the manner provided in the third paragraph of ·tl11S section, and enlisted men may be assigned to said ogpaiuzatéqrigtfrorxé aitigipglie forcegelierenn provided for or raised by s ec ive as y c provi . Seventh. The President is further authorized to raise and maintain d,¥,§,'§,“,f{,,h,§,‘;’;"°g,‘f’ { by; volunglary enlistrpentéito orgp.nipue,hm{1lap1q1l:16pé0pot tg excpled four in antry `v1sions,t e officers o w `c s ecte in theman- ,»,,,,,,,,,,_ ner provided by paragraph three of section one of this Act: Provided, Organization. That the organization o said force shall be the same as that of the hmmm corresponding organization of the Regular Army: And provided °g°' further, That there shall be no enlistments in said force of men under Ampmm umm. twenty-five years of age at time of enlisting: And further, 'lghat nphsuc volunteer force shall be accepted in any umt smaller t an a vision. , Sec. 2._That the enlisted men required to raise and maintain the u !§°°§iia paorganizations of the Regular Army and to complete and maintain ta'}, em,,§’,§,,‘Q°°§, the o§amzations embo ying the_members of the National Guard dnft drafte into the service of the United States, at the maximum legal strength as by this Act provided, shall be raised by voluntary enlistment, or if and whenever the President decides that the can not b mm effectually be so raised or maintained, then by selective drafit; and all °u`°"°°°S y other forces hereby authorized, except as (provided in the seventh paragraph of section one, shall be raised an maintained by selective draft exclusively; but this provision shall not prevent the transfer B,,,,,,,d,,,,_ to any force o training cadres from other forces. Such draft as 1=·»¤.pp.ss¤,¤s¤.