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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/97

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78 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 15. 1917. herein provided shall be based upon liability to military service of all male citizens, or male persons not alien enemies who have declared their rntention to become citizens, between the ages of twenty-one and thirtydyears,}l>oth7lplnclus1ve, and slipll take p ace and be maintaine un er suc reg ations as the resident may prescribe not D¤¤·¤¤*¤¤<=i¤¤ ¤* inconsistent with the terms of this Act. Quotas for the several °';i),t?Z'p, SSL States, Territories, and the_ District of Columbia, or subdivisions Umm u md M thereof, shall be determined in proportion to the pogulation thereof, m,,,,,,,§,,§‘,,,§,_ and credit shall be given to any State, Territory, istrict, or_subdivision §h1e§eo% fordtlée number of bmen iivhpl wipe in £t1h<·2}m1l1tary service o - e United States as mem ers o the ation uard on April mst, nineteen hundred and seventeen, or who have since said date entered the military service of the United States from any such F bm to State, Territory, District, or subdivision, either as members of the _,_,,,‘§§,°{’§,,,Sf",§,,§_ Regular Army or the National Guard. All persons drafted into the sertygcef of th<;1Un1ted Stageg pnd lpiluopicers lpccgepting corgirgipzsions in e orces erein provide or s , rom the ate o said t or acceptance, be subject to the laws and regulations governingthe ,,,,§`,f,§’,f"°"°““ “‘ Regular Army, except as to promotions, sd, far as such laws and regulations are app icable to persons whose permanent retention in P6 bdommm the military service on the active or retired list is not contem lated P “i · by existing law, and those drafted shall be required to serve fldr the S,§§§,;’,‘};md mmm, 'piuod of the existing emergency unless sooner discharged: Provided, ¢¤¤>1>¤· at the President is authorized to raise and maintain by voluntary enliptment gr draft, as herein provided}; special and technical troops as e ma eem necessary an to em o them into or f Ima mgm moms and to oécer them as pgowiided in the third paragra h of izizlgdnldrliz ,,,,,,,c,,,,,,(,,,,,,d_ and section nine of t s Act. Orgamzatrons of tilie forces herein £f‘i.¥r§1$21VE‘£`ei?’§§i‘§§l“§r1l.‘ig?.L135 Amy ’¤“S lm ‘*i”iSi°“?Q’i.“'**h°'i“"d _ _ ion one s a as aras t t of the serv1ce_permit, be composed of nien who come, andeofuodilddrg B bm who are agipointed from, the same State or locality. ,,,,,,°,,“§‘,fg’,,,,*?{,‘§,,,,’f‘ Sno: 0 bounty shall be paid to induce any person to enlist in the military sirvicle of the United States; and no person liable to military service s a ereafter be `tted ll urnig stitute for such service; nor shdjlludhuy subgdtiitgvbidrdgeived iilnlisdzldilor enrolled in the mrlitaréy service of the United States· and no such person shall be permitte to escape such service or to be discharged gicregfrqm prior to the expiratiop oglhis term of service by the pay- en o money or any other va ua e thin wh tso d - E ation for his release from military service org liability (tlr1iisi.·eii.?>.c0nSl or dmgfmvum Mm Sec. That the Vice Presrdent of the United States the officers curses esssgmwu. legislatrye, executive, and judicial, of the United States and of thd several States, Territories, the District of Columbia regular or girgoqrgagqedhrgmisiem of religion, stéuderilts who at the ,time of the _ __c arepreparm orteminis inro `cd igqvoalpgrcal or schools, and all persons intilie n1ih9t:a1§m;r1d Religious Hemp- draft {service 0 e nited Statesshall be exempt from the selective u°,,,_ C t 613*121 PI'<‘S€‘ij1b€d, and Dotbing in this Act contained shall be ions rue o require or compel any person to serve in any of the rgges hezrgrgegrqgilgw fqr who is found to be a member of any well- _ gmZ_ sec_ or organization at present or¤an` ed and egilsttrngq w§ose '9X1St1l1g creed or principles forbid itsbmeiizibers to p a B in war inany form and whose religious convictions are ¤.g_ s I ar or participation therein m accordance with the creed or _ Noucpmbatant sem prmcip es of said religious organizations, but no person S0 gxgm wd mmrncxuam. shall e exempted from service in an ‘ ·p Om . . Y ca acrt that the President sr excmsous. shall declare to be noncombatant; and the lgresicient is her-ob authorized to exclude 01‘ discharge from said selective draft and from the draft under the second paragraph of Sgction Om, h f draft for artial militar gl · emo ’ °r te - p y service o y from those liable to dma; as in this