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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/98

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 15. 1917. 79 Act provided, persons of the following classes: County and municipal C*°·¤¤°¤ °P°°“’*°°· officials; customhouse clerks; ersons employed by the United States in the transmission of the mags; artificers and workmen employed in the armories, arsenals, and navy yards of the United States, and such other persons employed in the service of the United States as the President may designate; pilots; mariners actually ern-ployed in the sea service of any citizen or merchant within the nited States; persons engaged m industries, including agriculture, found to be Fw. p·955- necessary to the maintenance of the Military Establishment or the effective operation of the military forces or the maintenance of national interest during the emergency; those in a status with resplect to ersons de endent upon them for support which renders their excliision or dlischarge advisable; and those found to be physically or morally dehcient. No exemption or exclusion shall continue when a cause therefor no longer exists: Provided, That notwithstanding the §{,'{,",‘;Q"·m mmm exemptions enumerate herein, each State, Territory, and the District i¤h¤<1· of Co umbia shall be required to sulpply its quota in the proportion that its opulation bears to the tota population of the United States. The Pliesident is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to create and ,,,;g‘§g‘;}_ d'““ *’°“"’° establish throughout the several States and subdivisions thereof and in the Territories and the District of Columbia local boards, and where, in his discretion, practicable and desirable, there shall be created and established one such local board in each county or similar subdivision in each State, and one for approximately each thirty thousand of population in each city of thirty thousand population or over, according to the last census taken or estimates furnished hg A mm mm the Bureau of Census of the De artment of Commerce. Such boar im? £°ui¢.1imiae¤, ew. shall be appointed by the Presidlent, and shall consist of three or more members, none of w om shall be connected with the Military Establishment, to be chosen from among the local authorities of such subdivisions or from other citizens residing in the subdivision or area in which the respective boards will have `urisdiction under the rules and Iumgdmim as to regulations prescribed by the President. Such boards shall have mmpeuuam. power within their respective jiuisdictions to hear and determine, sub`ect to review as hereinafter provided, all questions of exemption undler this Act, and all questions of or claims for including or discharging} individuals or classes of individuals from the selective draft, whi s all be made under rules and regulations prescribed by the President, except any and every question or claim for including or P mmm tad excluding or discharging persons or classes of persons from the selective inseam exceptgl. draft im er the provisions of this Act authorizing the President to ex- ’“"“· clude or discharge from the selective draft "Persons engaged in industries, including agriculture, found to be necessary to the maintenance of the Militax& Establishment, or the effective operation of the military forces, or e maintenance of national interest during the emergency? _ The President is hereby authorized to establish additional boards, pg§*;",g_*”°°’d°°' *1* one in each Federal judicial district of the United States, consisting ’ of such number of citizens, not connected with the Military Establishment, as the President may determine, who shall be appointed by the President. The President is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to establish more than one such board in any Federal judicial district of the United States, or to establish one such board having jurisdiction of an area extendi into more than one Federal `udicial district. Bmw 0, decisions Such district boardsliliall review on afppeal and aiiirm, modify, or ofloml b¤¤rdreverse any decision of any local boar having jurisdiction in the area in which any such district board has jurisdiction under the rules 0y;gim1_actio¤ as to and regulations prescribed by the President. Such district boards °‘°'°P“’° “"*"·‘m°s· shall have exclusive orighnal jurisdiction within their respective areas to hear and determine questions or claims for including or excluding or discharging persons or classes of persons from the selective