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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/318

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. 1667 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the citky of Washington this eighteenth day of May in the year 0 our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen [smut.] and of the independence of the United States of America the one himdre and forty-first. Woomzow WILSON By the President: Ronmrr Lansme, Secretary of State. Br THE Pizmsminrr or THE Umrnn STATES or Amnnoa. mY ”·*°"· A PROCLAMATION.

S the United States exercises sovereignty in the land §,?_.j?_?g,_§{°“'·

and waters of the Canal Zone and is responsible for the construction, operation, maintenance, and vprotection of the Panama Canal: _ f NOW, THEREFORE, I, OODROW WILSON, President of the eglwsglinnirisinlé i°>a¤riu£ United States of America, do hereb declare and proclaim the follow- §;.*g§',g$$“°°”°°°° ing Rules and R%u.lations for the regulation, management and V¤1·¤¤,p-2¤=l,6- protection of the anama Canal and the Maintenance of its Neutrality which are in addition to the general "Rules and Regulations N.ll”i3°¤•`¥l” Om"' for the Opplration and Navigation of the Panama Canal and Appreach ereto, includilug all Waters imder its jurisdiction? put into force by Executive O er of July 9, 1914. _ is X M Rule 1. A vessel of war, for the purposes of these rules, is defined ° W"` as a public armed vessel, under the command of an pilicer duly commissioned by the government, whose name appears on the list of officers of the military ileet, and the crew of which are under regular naval discipline, which vessel is qualified by its armament an the character of its personnel to take offensive action against the public or Iprivate ships of the enemy. _ ule 2. An auxiliary vessel, for the purposes of these rules, is de- ¤,;'§.'{”H“” "“°'“°°' fined as an vessel, belligerent or neutral, armed or unarmed, which does not fall under the etinition of Rule 1, which is employed as a transport or ileet auxiliary or in any other way for the direct purpose of prosecuting or aiding hostilities whether by land or sea; but a vessel fitted up and used exclusively as a hospital ship is excepted. Rule 3. A vessel of war or an auxiliary vessel of a belligerent, other ,§°m§*’,m,§fg'h°‘“lQ§ than the United States, shall only be permitted to pass through the §¤g_¤§d%v tggher vpn Canal after her commandingggicer has iven written assurance to the °° "°° ` Authorities of the Panama al that the Rules and Regulations will be faithfully observed. _ _ The authorities of the Panama Canal shall take such step: as may *“L“”°'Y "°“°l*· be requisite to sure the observance of the Rules and Reéu tions by auxiliary vessells which are not commanded by an officer of the military fleet. _ _ Rule 4. Vessels of war or auxiliary vessels of a belligerent,_other u,§,;2“QQ,‘Q'ng“;§gQ§;; than the United States, shall not revictual nor take any stores in the ew. Canal except so far as may be strictly necessary; and the transit of such vessels through the Canal shall be effected with the least possible delay in accordance with the Canal Regulations in force, and with only such intermission as may result from the necessities of the service. _ Prizes shall be in all respects subject to the same Rules as vessels P“’°“· of war of a belligerent. _ Rule 5. No vessel of war or auxiliary vessel of a belgierent, other °‘ [“°l°" l“l'“' than the United States, shall receive fuel or lubricants w e within the