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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/319

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1668 _ PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. territorial waters of the Canal Zone, except on the written authorization of the Canal Authorities, Specifying the amount of fuel and lubricants which may be receive . D°°**‘·"*“°“'°q““°d- Rule 6. Before issuing authorization for the; réecriipjsligf fuel and lubricantsb any vesse o war or auxiliary vesse o a e erent other than the United States, the Canal Authorities shall obtain a written declaration, duly signed by the o_Hicer commanding) such R W _ __ vessel, stating the amount 0 fuel and lubricants already on oard. s,,p§?{§§$°“°° °” ming Rule 7. Fuel and lubricants may be taken on board vessels of war or auxiliary vessels of a belligerent, other than the United States, only upon ptgrnrissiolp of ltl1et(ga;]11alv;Apkthpkr·1t§_es,l andl iihi->)n_onl1y up sug amoun as wr ena e e 1 e ue an u rrcan s a rea y on board, to reach the nearest accessible port, not an enemy port, at which they can obtain suppllies necessary for the contrnuatrpjn (pf the voyage. royrsrons furnrs ed by contractors may be sup_p e only upon permission of the Canal Authorities, and then engr in amount P mm sufficient to bringl up their supplies to the peace standar . m§§,gt}O§§s,§"§§_ t° Rule 8. No be ligerent, other than the United States, shall embark or disembark troops, munitions of war, or warlike materials in the Canal, except in case of necessity due to_ accidental hindrance of the transit. In such cases the Cana Authorities shall be the judge of the necessity, and the transit shall be resumed with all possible dis- _ _ patch. _ _ _ S.,§?§?iY£YrlQe,%gw°‘§ Rule 9. Vessels of war or auxrhary vessels of a bellrgerent, other '°'“‘°”“* mms- than the United States, shall not remain in the territorial waters of the Canal Zone under the jurisdiction of the United States longer than twenty-four hours at any one time, except in case of distress; and in such case, shall depart as soon as possi le. R°S°"°“°¤ °¤ P'¢5· Rule 10. In the exercise of the exclusive right of the United GHCB of \VBl’ V8S$9iS ID , . cmiwriar warm. States to dprovrde for the regplatron and management of the Canal, and in or er to ensurle that the Capel shall be kept free and open on terms of entir·e equa 'ty to vesse of commerce and of war there shallbnot l;e, except gy specgil arrangement, at any one time a %§eater num er o vesse o war o any one nation other than the nited States, includin those of the allies of such nation, than three in either . g . . . . . terminal pprt and ICS adjacent terminal waters, or than three rn transit through the Canal ;_nor shall the total number of such vessels, at any one time, exceed six in all the territorial waters of the Canal Zone under the jurisdiction of the United States. d;Q§g§—'S °‘ Vmls *'* Rule 11. The repair facilities pgnd docks belonging to the United f i States and administered by the anal Authorities shall not be used by rr vessel of war or an auxiliary vessel of a belligerent, other than the United States, except when necessary in case of actual distress, and then only upon the order of the Canal Authorities, and only to the degree necessary to render the vessel sea-worthy. Any work author- _ ized shall be done with the least possible delay. un*§§g;;mg€'°€’°P“ Rule 12._ The radio installation of any public or, private vessel or of any auxiliary vessel of a bellrgerent, other than the United States, shall be used only rn connection with Canal business to the exclusion of all other businesz while within the waters of the Canal Zone, inclurlinv the waters of olon and Panama Harbors.

  • Z¥°l“Si‘·"°‘°"°“" Rule Air craft, public or rivate of a bellirrerent other than

oth. r than of the , _ P _ P v ¤ 1 l'¤i¤é¤15m¤€<· the Inrted States, are forbidden to descend or arise within the jurisdiction of the United States at the Canal Zone, or to pass through the _ air spaces above the lands and waters within said jurisdiction. T*"’*MF*"*‘¤d€‘l· Rule 14. F or the purpose of these rules the Canal Zone includes the cities of Panama an Colon and the harbors adjacent to the said

 _ p cities. _

,,§§’f°,Z}§{‘°{,L§,’§,‘§*'°t$,{ _ Rule 15. In the interest of the protection of the Canal while the jgjgjmgfi J Lmted States is a belhgerent no vessel of war, auxiliary vesse], or-