PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. 1675 sition site, on Hampton Roads, Virginia, and of such lands adjacent thereto as he north of Ninety-ninth Street and Algonquin Street, the entire protperty beiaig bounded on the north and west b(yrHampton Roa s and W` oughby Bay, on the east by Boush eek, and on the south by Ninety-ninth- and Algonquin Streets. ‘ "That if said lands and appurtenances and improvements thereof shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just corripensation therefor, to determined by the President, and the amount thereof, so determined .by the President is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same such person shall be paid seventy—five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum, as added to said seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner provided for by section twenty-four, para aph twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five of the Jurglcial Code. "Upon the taking over of said propert by the President as aforesaid, the title to all giroperty so taken over shall immediately vest in the United tates. "For the payment of compensation for said ipgoperty so taken over, $1,200,000, or so muc thereof as may necessaryvand toward the equipment of the same as a naval operating- base, including piers, store houses, oil—fuel storage, training siiation and recreation grounds for the fleet and other purposes,·$·1,6I)0,- 000, in all, $2,800,000: Provided, That the appropriation herein shall be available only for the acqiiisition of the entire properiiv bounded on the nort and west yHampt0n Roads and W` - loughby Bay, on the east by Boush Creek, and on the south by Ninety-nint and Algonquin Streets, together with all easements, rivhts of way, riparian and other rights Elppurtenant thereto, and all the rights and properties of railway, ectric light, power, telephone, telegraplh, cable, water, and sewer companies: Promded further, That the Secretalriy of the Navy is authorized to expend public money in the dev opment of said tract of land wit out reference to the requirements of section three hundred and fifty- five of the Revised Statutes? AND WHEREAS it is a military necessityl to take aplossession of the said above mentioned tract of land, toget er with easements, rights of way, riplarian, and other rights and privilegiles appurtenant or appertainmfg thereto, and to begin without delay the development of said tract or the uses and purposes of the naval service of the United States: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES- Iamuxggyug ENTS: That I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United siwr<>r¤¤v=lp¤r¤¤¤¤~ States of America, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the said act of Congress approved June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, do ereby, on behalf of the United States, take title to and possession of the tract of land known as the Jamestown Exposition site on Hampton Roads, Virginia, and of such lands adjacent thereto as lie north of Ninety-nint Street and Algonquin Street, the entire propegtvy being bounded on the north and west by Hampton Roads and illoughby Bay, on the east by Boush Creek, and on the south by Ninety-ninth and Algon uin Streets; together with all roads, streets, and alleys therein, and atll easements, rights of way, riparian and other rights, franchises, and privileges whatsoever ajipurtenant or appertaining thereto, including all fixed and immovab e property wit 'n said tract of land, now owned or claimed by any individual or by any railway, electric light, power, telephone, telegraph, cable, water or sewer company or companies,
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