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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/331

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1676 PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. which said tract of land is more particularly described by metes and bounds asfollows: _ _ _ _ ¤¤¤¤rir>¤i¤¤· All that tract of land m the Count of Norfolk, State of Vrrgmra, situate on Hampton Roads and Widoughby Bay beginning at the point of intersection of the north hne of Algonquin Street produced m an easterly direction with the hue of low water mark on the west side of the main channel of Boush Creek; Thence north eight-two degrees (82°) west two thousand one hundred and fifty-seven feet (2157’), more or less, along the north line of Algonquin Street; _ _ Thence south eighty-eight degrees (88°) srx minutes (6’) west three thousand four hundred and eiilrlty-two and nine-tenths feet (3482.9’) continuing along the north e of Algonquin Street to the east line of Maryland Avenue; _ _ Thence south ergillity-eight degrees (88°) six minutes (6’) west one thousand seven undred and twent feet (17 20’) ale? the north line of Ninety-ninth Street to the east hue of Maryland ircle; Thence crossing Maryland Circle north seventy-four degrees (74°) fort -eight minutes (48’) west one hundred and feet (136’) to the point of intersection of the west line of Mary d Circle prolon ed with the north ].ine of N inety-ninth Street prolonged; 'llrence south eighty-eight degrees (88°) six minutes (6’) west six hundred feet (600'), more or less, along the north line of Ninety- ninth Street to the Rpoint of intersection with the line of low water mark of Hampton oads; Thence in a general northerly and easterly direction following the meanders of the line of low water mark of the waters of Ham ton Roads and Wdloughb Bay to the southeast end of the spit of land at the mouth of Boush Creek; Thenee following the lme of low water mark of the main channel of Boush Creek to the point of beginning, which line of low water mark on Boush Creek has approximately the following courses and distances: Beginning at the southeast end of said spit of land· thence north sixty-eight degrees (68°) west one thousand eight hundred and forty feet (1840'), more or less; thence south thirty-nine de (39**) west four hundred feet (400’) more or less; thence south tgiiite;-eight degrees (38°) east one thousand and thirty feet (1030’), more or less; thence south sixteen degrees (16°) west six hundred and fifty feet (650’), more or less, to said mt of beginning; Containing in all four _ and forty (440) acres, more or less; Together with all riparian rights, privileges, easements, and other rights whatsoever appurtenant or appertaming in any way to said above described tract of land in the waters 1 g between the low water line of said tract and the bulkhead or Edit Warden’s line to the west of said tract, as said line is now or may hereafter be established, and in the waters wig between the low water line of said tract and a bulkhead or Port arden’s line to the northerly and easterly of said tract, as said line may hereafter be established, the said tract of land being shown in outline on the map or drawing attached hereto and made a part of this proclamation. 0,¥’*gfj_;lEgaQ_<;¤*§g¤*tg>; The said and above described, together with all the aforesaid >:a»E~. rights and privileges appurtenant or ap rtaining thereto, is hereby declared to be, and the same is set and:} for use for naval p ses and is placed under the exclusive control of the Secretary ol the Navy, who is authorized and directed to take immediate possession thereof in accordance with the terms of said act on behalf of the United States for the purposes aforesaid. .&@§;§g¤¤¤f of ¤<>¤¤— The Secretary of the _) avy is further authorized and directed to pm ‘ take such steps as may in his judgment be necessary for- the purpose of conducting negotiations with the owners of property or rights whatsoever therein within the said tract of land for the purpose of