1820 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. " (e) To cause or procure any vessel constructed in whole or in part within the United States, which has never cleared for any foreign port, to depart from a port of the United States before it has been documented under the laws of the United States}; AND WHEREAS the destruction of maritime tonnage during the present war has rendered it imperative that the American merchant marine be retained under American control, and free from alien iniiuence, s£§f,"},§*’§a‘;“’aff(§‘°,‘j,f;‘ NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of hi1>i¤i¤s¤¤k¤¥vf¤1¤¤¤¤- the United States of America, acting under authority conferred in f°”°‘vm°ls'°°°` me by said Act, do hereby proclaim that a state of war and a national emergency within the meaning of said Act do now exist, and I do hereby enjoin all persons from doing any of the things in said Act _ _ declared to be unlawful. T°"““”“'·‘°“‘ For the urposes of said Act of Congress, the national emergency herein pro5aimed shall be deemed to continue until its termination has been evidenced b a Proclamation of the President. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this 7th day of August, in the year of our- Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] eighteen and of the Iude endence of the United States of America the one hundred) and forty-third. Woonnow WILSON By the President; FRANK L Pour ‘ Acting Secretary ey State.
BY rmi Prursmmrr or rmt Umrnn Srarns or Ammzrca.
A PROCLAMATION. pogellgds M me pup WIIEREAS, the Act of Congress approved July 1 1918 (`Public No. P’°"““"°· 182-65th Congress), making appropriations for the Naval Service u§u,,,,,,,0,., wwwa, grezhfigcal year ending June 30, 1919, and for other purposes, pro- ‘ ‘m°’°`m' "The President is hereby authorized and empowered, within the amounts herein appropriated therefor, to take over immediately for the United States possession of and title to each and all of the parcels of land, includin appurtenances and improvements for the acquisition of which authorit is herein ranted and for which appropriations are herein made; Provided,-That if said lands and) appurtenances and improvements shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just compensation therefor, to be determined b the President, and if the amount thereof, so determined by the President, is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as added to said seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner provided for b section 24, paragraygr 20 (and) section 145, of the Judicial, Code: Provided furt er, That upon the taking over of said propert by the President as aforesaid the title to all property so tahen over shall immediately vest in the United States;" And