rnocnkmnrrons, ms. 1821 _ WHEREAS, the Act of Congress aforesaid authorizes the acqui- S“°s°°S*¢¤¤'·¤d· sitionl of additional land for naval purposes at the following places name : Nyaval Torpedo Station Newport, Rhode Island; Naval Magazine, Lake Denmark, New Jersey; ‘ Naval Masgazine, Fort Miiiiin, Penns lvania; Depot of up$ies, Marine Corps, Philladelphia, Pennsylvania; Navy Yard, ashmgton, District of Columbia; Naval Proving Ground, Indian Head, Maryland; Marine Recruiting Station, Port Royal, South Carolina; and also authorizes the selection and acquisition of a site for a Navy Mine Depot; and makes appropriations for the acquisition of the land required at the places mentioned; and WHEREAS, it is a military necessity for the United States to take possession of the tracts of land required for naval purposes at the places aforesaid, together with all improvements, easements, rights of way, riparian and other rights and privileges appurtenant or uppertaining in any way to the said tracts of land, and to begin wi out delay the development of the said tracts of land for the uses and puiléposes of the naval service of the United States: Puma uhm 0, OW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES- can-muiiuai. . ENTS, that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of ‘ America, (gy virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the said Act Congress approved July 1, 1918, ohereby on behalf of the United States, take title to and authorize the Seeretasiy of the Navy to take possession of the following described tracts land: TRAOT NO. 1. Additional land for increasing ordnance facilities, Naval Tor- u§,’f{»;°,lwl,;2{{’?§’;? Ii"' pedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island. igggg- All that certain tract of land situate, l `ng, and beingEin the ` County of Newport, State of Rhode lysland, in the astern Passage of Narragansett Bay in approximate latitude 41° 32’ north and longitude 71° 20’ 45" west, being all of that certain island known as Gould Island as said island is shown on U. S. C. & G. S. Chart # 353 of Newport Harbor; containing about fifty-six (56) acres, together with all rights of way, riparian, and other rights, privileges, and easements whatsoever appurtenant or ap ertaining in any wa to said above described tract of land, including rivately ownedy rights in the imder water lands lying between tlie hilgh water line of the said above described tract and the channe of Narragansett Bay; exceqting from the above described tract of land that certain tract of an on the easterly shore of said island now owned by the United States and under the control of the Bureau of Lighthouses, Department of Commerce. TRAC T N0. 2. Additional land for increasing ordnance facilities, Naval Maga- mL;‘j,;·`,fg_F7}f*N°'“ zine, Lake Denmark, New Jersey. Am. p. 726. All those two certain arcels of land situate, lying, and beinig in the County of Morrisgtate of New Jersey, adjacent to the Nav Magazine, Lake Denmark, N. J., as shown on a certain m.ap bearin the legend “Map of the Imuis Deland property adjoining U. S. §mmunition De ot at Lake Denmark near Dover, N. J., surveyed Oct. 1917 li)y C. W. Booth, Sub-Inspector, Public Works Dept., Brooklyn Nag Yard, N. Y." which said map is on file in the Office of the licitor, Department of the_ Navy,
said two parcels of land are more definitely described as
o ows: