PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1825 of thirteen (13) feet eight and live-tenths (8.5) inches more or less; thence in a southerly direction followingl the westerly . boundary line of the said propert of Donato Te a to the oint of intersection with the northerlyline of a certain three (3i)foot alley on said map prolonged in a westerly direction a distance of ten (10) feet six and eight hundred seventy·5ve one theusandths (6.875) inches more or less; thence in an easterly direction following the northerly line of a certain three (3) foot alley as shown on said map to the point of intersection with the westerly line of a certain four (4) foot alley as shown on said map a distance of two hundred ten (210) feet six (6) inches more or lessthence in a northerly direction following the westerly line of said four (4) foot alley to the point of beginning, a distance of forty (40) feet more or less; containing in all eighty-seven thousand one hundred and six (87,106) sgluare feet more or Iess· the said property being improved with e premises lmewn as lies. 1414, 1416, 1418, 1420, 1422, 1424, 1426, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1434, 1436, 1438, 1440, and 1442 Alter Street; No. 1129 Fifteenth Street and No. 1435 Ellsworth Street, together with all easements, rights and privileges whatsoever appurtenant or appertaining in any way to said tract of land above described. TRACK!] N0. 5.. — . é%a1t1g¤n1ma,N¤vn out reentry, washington, names: oum ia. , , ,- ‘·P- · All parcels of land within the Dktrict of Columbia or interest therein not owned b the United States lying south of the south line of M Street, S. li west of the west line of 11th Street, S. E., north of the south line of O Street, S. E. and east of the west lime of 9th Strelef., S. {I1.; saig gropprhy taken over is believed to more partie arly escribe as o ows: Lots 80, 79, 78, part of 26, (bein the north forty-five and D°°°n°u°°‘ sevent -six one hundredths (45.76) leet front on 10th Street by fullydepth thereof), 23, 77, 76, 75, 74, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83,82, 81, art of original 13 (being the south three (3) feet front thereof by full depth thereof, now used as an alley), 12, 11, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45 and 44, part of original 6 (beipg ten (10) feet front thereof by full depth, new used as an alley), in Square 953, District of Columbia. Lots 1-20 inclusive, all in Siuare 954, District of Columbia. Lots 1, 2 part of 27, (being t o north twenty-four (24) feet front on 11th Street by full depth thereof), part of 26 (being the south twenty-four (24) feet front on 11th Street by full de th thereof), 25, part of 24 (being the south twenty-five and eigllit hundred and seventy-five thousandths (25.875) feet front thereof on 11th Street b a width of twent —two and three tenths (22.3) feet on the allby to the rear of said lot), part of 21, (bein the north twventy-four (24) feet front thereof on 11th Street by full depthl; 20, 19, art of 18 (being the east twenty-six (26) feet front thereof by full depth), 16, 38, of 15, 14, 44-53 inclusive, part of 43 (being the rear twenty-seven (27) feet by full width thereof), 10, part of 9 (being the north twenty-four (24) feet front thereof on 10th Street by full depth), 41, 42, 8, 7, 37, 36,_ and 35, all in Square 977, District of Columbia; Lots 1-13 inclusive, part of 16 (bein the north twenty—5ve (25) feet front on 11th Street b full de gh thereof), 17-23 inclusive, all in Square 978, District ofrCelumli)ia; together with all rights, easements and privileges whatsoever apgurtenant or appertaining in api way to said above describe tract of land, and all private eys, roadways and rights of way not otherwise covered. 120808°—vor. 40, rr 2——-34
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