1826 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. ,,r;:§_‘*:¤€)G¥;;lf_d!f§,g_* HZAOT N0. 6. an m u%¤£{»·¤;11¤r mn- Additional land for ht of wa to connect exis r way E$gE'§,§°¥»’°I,d, SE`; lines with the NavalllgProving Ground and Navaltuggmokeless "‘1‘;*°_,m,'>”p,,°,,_ . ‘ Powder Factory, Indian Head, Maryland. All that certain tract or arcel of land and lfremises, situate, lying, and being in Charles Ilounty, State of aryland, being a right of wa nmning from the westerly line of the Popes Creek branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad to the easterly line of the U. S. Naval Proving Ground, Indian Head, Maryland, said right of way having a width of twentiy (20) feet on either side of the center line thereof hereinafter escribed from said line of said railroad to the westerly line of a State Road (hereinafter mentioned) and having awidth of fifty (50) feet on either side of said center line from said side of said State Road to the aforementioned line of the Pro Ground. Said center line begins at the point where the westerly line of said railroad is intersected lg: line beginning at Station 0+00 and running in a northerly ctiou by a ten (10) degree curve to the left a distance of one hundred mnety-three an seventy-eight one hundredths (193.78) feet more or less; said station 0 +00 being one thousand twenty-six (1026) feet more or less measured on the center line of track southwest of mile post 15-34 of said railroad, which mile post is at or near the White Plain Station of said railroad. The said center line be ' int is known as station 1 +93.78 on the of the Ravy Ilepartment hereinbelow mentioned, from whic beginning point said center line runs on a ten (10) degree curve to the le t to station 7 +24.17 more or less, a dgsoint of tangency; thence north 34 degrees 06 minutes west a tance of 1382.07 feet more or less to a point of curve station 21 +06.24 more or less; thence in a northwesterly direction by a 2 degree curve to the left to a point of tangency station 23 +72.17 more or less; thence north 39 degrees 25 minutes west a distance of 1135.13 feet more or less to a point of curve station 35 +07.30 more or less; thence in a northwesterly direction by a 4 degree curve to the left to a point of tangency station 38 +74.5 more or less ; thence north 54 degrees 06 minutes, 30 seconds west a distance of 828.59 feet more or less, to a point of curve station 47+03.09 more or less; thence in a westerly direction by a 6 degree curve to the left a point of tangency station 53 +34.20; thence south 88 de- - grees, 1 minute, 30 seconds west a distance of 8052 feet more or ess to a point of curve station 133 +86.2 more or less; thence in awesterly direction by a 10 minute curve to the right to a oint of tangency station 138+36.20 more or less; thence soutlli 88 degrees, 46 minutes, 30 seconds West a distance of 4166.96 feet more or less to a point of curve station 180+03.16 more or less; thence by a 2 degree and 30 minute curve to the right to a point of tangency station 187 +43.16 more or less; thence North 72 degrees 43 minutes, 30 seconds West for a distance of 720.86 feet more or less to a point of curve station 194 +64.02 more or less; thence by a 3 degree curve to the left to a point of tangency station 209+71.80 more or less, thence South, 62 degrees, 2 minutes, 30 seconds West a distance of 1009.34 more or less to a point of curve station 219+81.14 more or less; thence by a 3 degree curve to the right to a point of tangency station 231 +29.47 more or less; thence north 83 degrees, 30 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 4277.02 feet more or less to a point of curve station 274 +06.49 more or less; thence by a 52 minute curve to the left to a point of tangency station 314+14.18 more or less; thence South 61 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds West, crossing the County Road and Mattawomans Creek a. distance of 12425.12 feet more or less to a point of curve station 438 +39.30 more or less; thence by a 4 degree curve to the right to a point
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