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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/504

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U. S. C. & G. S. Chart it 571 lying south of Archer’s Creek as said creek is shown on said chart, and being bormded on the east by the waters of Beaufort River and on the south and west by the waters of Port Royal Sound and Broad River; containing 111 all six thousand (6000) acres more or less of fast land and marsh land; together with all riparian rights, privileges, easements and other rights whatsoever alppurtenant to or appertaining in any way to said above described tract of land, mcluding private] owned rights in the under water lands lying between the high water line of the said above described tract and the channel of Beaufort River, Port Royal Sound and Broad River, excepting from said above described area such lands as are now owned by the United States. The several tracts of land above described together with all im- S,(}g¤1:D°§,i¤g°0¤gg§¤;;; provements thereon and all rights and rivile es appurtenant or rumen. appertaining in any way thereto are hereliy declared to be and the same are set apart for use for naval purposes and are placed under the exclusive control of the Secretary of the Nawgy who is authorized and directed to take immediate possession thereo in accordance with tliie ternzis of said Act on behalf of the United States, for the purposes a oresar . The title to the several tracts of land above described shall be T‘"°“°’°°°“* °“°°‘ deemed to be vested in the United States from and as of the date “ that actual possession thereof is taken by the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized and directed to take such t,, °€,,°{§l:§°‘L' steps as may in his judgment be necessary for the purpose of con- ¤¤¥¤w¤¢¤»¤¤¢· ducting negputiations wit the owners of property or rights whatsoever therein wit the said above described tracts of land for the purpose of ascertaining the just compensation to which said owners are entitled in order that compensation therefor may be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act aforesaid. All owners of land and improvements title and possession of which are taken hereunder in accordance with the terms of the Act herermder and all persons having claims or liens in respect thereto are hereby notified to appear before the Board to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy and present their claims for compensation for consideration by the said Board in accordance with the provisions of the Act aforesaid. All persons residing within said above described tracts of land or °°ld°"°"° "°°°°`owning movable propert situate thereon are hereby notified to vacate the said tracts of lrand and to remove therefrom all movable property within thir·tty1 (30) days from the date of this proclamation, Provided, however, at the Secretary of the Navy may in his discretion and where such action will not interfere with the public intplrests, eisltend said period of thirty (30) days for such further period as e may eem a ro rrate.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my band and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done in the District of Columbia this seventh day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-third.

Woodrow Wilson
By the President:
Frank L. Polk,
Acting Secretary of State.

 August 8, 1918. 

By the President of the United States of America.


Passports, etc.

Whereas, by Act of Congress approved the twenty-second day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, entitled ‘‘An Act