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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/510

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1834 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. D°$*€¤¤“¤¢*P°°l°°d Now Therefore I Woodrow Wilson, President of the United pmmummm States bf America; pursuant to the authority vested in me by said Act, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, do find hereby that the following named individuals, and bodies and classes of ind1- viduals, are natives, citizens, or subjects of a nation with which the United States is at war, and that the safety_0f the United States and the successful rosecution of the war require that said individuals, and bodies and) classes of individuals, be included within the term "enemy", as used in said Act; and therefore I do mclude hereby within said term "enemy" as used said Act, the following ind1- viduals, and bodies and classes of individuals, to wit: _ _ _ gx? (1) George Benda, a partnership; heretofore d6mg_Nbusmess in ’p` the United States, with its main 5 ant at Boonton, ew Jersey, and heretofore composed of A olph Neubauer and Eugene - Kirsehbaum, as co-partners ; ‘°°‘P" N°“*’““°" (2) Adolph Neubauer, heretofore one of the members of the E partnership of George Benda; “g""“ K‘”"‘“‘°‘“”‘ (3) Eugene Kirsc baum, heretofore one of the members of the P8.1'l1I1G1'Sl1I%Of George Benda; _ _ _ _ $g,Zg§§j (4) . Faber, a partnership heretofore doing busmess m the United States, with 1bS mam plant at Newark, New Jersei and heretofore composed of Coimt Alexander von Faber-Cast and Countess Ottilie von Faber-Castell, as co-partners; oa‘l».i°.ii”l°d"v°° Fab"` (5) Count Alexander von Faber-Castel], heretofore one of the 0 F bw members of the gartnership of A. W. Faber; cw%uul° °°° ° (6) Countess ttilie von Faber·Castell, heretofore one of the members of the partnershi of A. W. Faber. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aE1xed. Done in the District of Columbia, this 10th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred an eighteen, [siren.] and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-third. Woonnow WH.SON By the President: Ronmtr LANSING, Secretary of State.

 BY rm: Pnnsinmrr or rm: U1~:rrm> Srivms or Amnmoa


 mr sl" YVHFEREAS Congress enacted and the President on the 2oth day
  • "°"‘¤*"°· of May, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, approved the

Smumryprovisim following Public Resolution: Amr, p. ss;. “Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,{§,’,{§’e?}u°’;@“gf‘f9‘}§f§,§ United States of America in Congress assembled, That during the ¤¤g§g- ml present emergency all male persons, citizens of the United States, and ` `p' all male persons residing in the United States, who have, since the fifth day of June, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and on or before the day set for the registration by proclamation by the President, attained the age of twenty-one years, shall be subject to registration n accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the President, and that upon proclamation by the President, stating the time and place Exceptions. of suc registration, it shall be the duty of all such persons, except such persons as are exam t from registration under the Act of May eighteenth, nineteen hund)red and seventeen, and any Act or Acts amendatoig thereof, to present themselves for and submit to registration un er the provisions of said Act approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and they shall be registered in the same manner and subject to the same requirements and liabilities