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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/511

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1835 as those previously registered under the terms of said Act: Provided, m§¤gg°,§s{° be ¤* W That those persons registered under the provisions of this Act shall ` be placed at the bottom of the list of those liable for military service, in the several classes to which they are assigned, under such rules and regulations as the President may dprescribe. Sec. 2. That after the day set un er section one hereof for the m]f,’?{,f,‘}"°“°"’YP’°'* registration by proclamation by the President at such intervals as the ` President may rom time to time prescribe, the President may require that all male persons, citizens of the United States, and all male persons residing in the United States, who have attained the age of twenty-one years since the last preceding date of registration, and on or efore the next day set for the registration by reclamation by the President, excialit such persons as are exem t fiiom registration Pammexemptunder the Act of ay eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and any Act of Acts amendatory thereof, shall be registered in the same manner and subject to the same requirements and liabilities as those previously registered under the terms of said Act: Provided, _ _ _ That students w o are lprepsaring for the ministry in recognized ,,,%",§,°§‘§,*,;,°§c§‘0§‘,§f" theological or divinity sc oo , and students who are preparing for the practice of medicme and surglplry in recolgpized medical schools, at the time of the approval of t `s Act sh be exempt from the selective draft prescribed in the Act of May eighteenth, nineteen .3. t suc ersonswenr 'ter e`aeto R¤=¤¤¤¤.. ¤ huSxead8d °iiii;'°`iii1t°8ui ed b h Dbl ”***b*°' military service and to dliaft under the ctgiins of said Act aplproved °°m°° md May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, under suc THQ- lations as the President may prescribe notinconsistent with e terms of said Act. · ‘ _ Sec. 4. That all such tpersons shall be subjheict to the terms and pro- g§`{{"'°‘ *°* °PP"‘ visions and liabilities 0 said Act approved ay eighteenth, nineteen Am, p. ao. hundred and seventeen in all respects as if they had been registered under the terms of said Act, and every such person shall be deemed to have notice of the requirements of said act and of this joint resolution upon the publication of any such proclamation by the President. AND WHEREAS the act of Congress approved May eighteenth, ,,§,“{§$°“‘ '°' “°‘ one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, entitled "An act to authorize the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States/’ contains the followin mprovisions; A Sec. 5. * * * And any person who shall wilfully ig' or refuse to ”°"°‘S°‘ present himself for registration or to submit thereto as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, u on conviction in the district court of the United States having jurisdliction thereof be punished b imprisonment for not more than one year, and shall thereupon he duly reiisteredz Provided, That in the call of the docket precedence sha be given, in courts trying the same, to the trial of criminal proceedings under this act. * * * mmm, cm Wg Sec. 6. That the President is hereby authorized to utilize the mms, l??l&l'3le ua service of any or all departments and any or all o:Hicers or aggnts of S“'° °m°"°“·"‘°· the United States and of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, and subdivisions thereof, in the execution of this act, and all officers and agents of the United States and of the several States, Territories, and subdivisions thereof, and of the District of D°*¥°°mP“”°"Y· Columbia, and all persons designated or aplpointed under regulations prescribed by the President whether suc appointments are made y the President himself or by the governor or other officer of any State or Territory to perform any duty in the execution of this act, are hereby required to perform such duty as the President shall order Mmmm mem or direct, and all such officers and agents and persons so designated ’ or a pointed shall hereby have full authority for all acts done by them U of mm in tlie execution of this act by the direction of the President. Cor- °° `