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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/513

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1837: which is divided into divisions for the administration of the act alplproved May 1$,_1§)17, will promptly cause the clerks of the town- ? ps witahutiits division to be notified of the place or places designated or re s ra ion. _ _

I do call upon eyexy mayor, coimty clerk, or township clerk P°s°“‘g °"‘“°’ °°°‘

receiving such notification to have a list of said laces of registration posted, and do charge him with the duty of gavin all persons making inquiry informed of the place or places at whigh they may register. Any person who, on account of sickness, will be imable to present 8,c*§f¢*"'°“°° °’ tm himself for registration may apply on or before the day of registration at the office of any Local Board for instructions as to how he may register y agent. Any person who e cts to be absent on the day d ated for T°““’*”°"‘[b’°“‘°“ regisfratioxh from thexiiiirisdigtionaof the `tfggrd in which he perma- ummsmw nent y resi es ma r ter y m , ut registration car must reach the Local goaiilshaving Lurisdiction of the area wherein he perfanently by the day erein named for registifation. any suc person s o app y as soon as racticable at the office o a Local Board for instructions as to how he may register by mail. Any person who has no permanent residence must register at the place designated for registration by the Local Board having jurisiction of the area wherein he may be on the day herein named for registration. Hm, S Any person who, on account of absence at sea, or on account of ¢¤rIi·¤¤<ri¤1¤‘xin¤iii1¤iiut tm absence without the territorial limits of the United States, may be unzip}? go cognply yvith the reg11la1tioni;1·Spe{·]tainté1(§igSto absentees, s all, wit ve ays a ter reaching' the t ni tates port, register wlith his proper Local Board or as provided in the regulations for other a sentees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set may hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done in the lfstiéict of (golumbga this g3"d<;f (iilugést in the yeag of our or one thousand ~nine un e an eighteen an of [sean.] the independence of the United States of America, the one hun ed and forty-third. W W OODROW 1Ls0N By the President; Rommr Laxsmo, Secretary of State. BY run Passrnmrrr or THE UNITED STATES or Aismmca *“g“‘*"·““8· A PROCLAMATION WVhereas, section 2 of the Act of Congress entitled, "An Act To wggging with me define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other P“’““‘b’°· pfirposes, ’ akpprovled Qgtobtelr (2, $1917, kgoyyn as the "Trad1in51 with ie enemy 1 c , rovi es a e wor enemy as use erem shall be deemed to mean for the purposes of such trading and of said S · . X t an uontatutory authonm . c ; - "Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as ·‘”"·P·‘“· may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation with which the Lmted States is at war, other than citizens of the United States, wherever resident or wherever doing business, as the President, if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successful prosecution of the war shall so require, may, by proclamation, include within the term ‘enemy’ ;’