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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/512

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1836 rnocnauarrorts, ma. respondenee in the execution of this act may be carried in penalty envelopes bearing the frank of the War Department. Ang person 0MMdwmm_ charged as herein provided with the duty of carrying into act any of the tprovisions of this act or the regulations made or directions given ereunder who shall fa.il or neglect to perform such duty; and any person charged with such duty or having and GX8l‘ClSll:-6 any authority under said act, retiilations, or directions, who sh knowingly make or be a party to e making of any false or incorrect registration, physical exammation, exemption, enlistment, enrollment, or muster; and any person who shall make or be a party to the

 of any false statement or certificate as to the fitness or

liability of himse1f or any other person for service under the provisions of act, or regulations made by the President thereunder or_ otherwise evades or aids another to evade the requirements of this act or of said regulations or who in any manner, shall fail or ’°°“*“°°¤*· neglect fully to perform any duty required of him in the execution of this act, shall, if not subject to military law, be guilt of a misdemeanor and upon conviction m the district court ofy the United States having jurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one (yea`3 or, if subject to military law, shall be tried by cnurtmartial an s er such pimishment as a court-martial may

  • ”"»P· ml- AND WHEREAS the last reced1ng' date of r tration under

the tIerms5n{ltn31gaid Public lllesolution approvedc§:y 20th, 1918, was ime , : ,,°*,E§, f,,§f Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United $A¤s¤=¤_24. 1918. States, do upon all malezlpersons, either citizens of the United States or residing m the sever States, or in the District of Columbia, glho hpvleg smc: tin; gtk gay of] we 1918, angrgn gngzgore the 24th y_o ugus _,aa1ne e1rtwent— t ator' _ ter in accordance with the above law and the rnFulations§>rescriEed “°'“°°“°°*’“°"’· thereunder: Provided, however, That the fo o persons are herelpty exempted from registration: Officers, andngnglisted men in the egular Arm , the Navy the Marine Co and the National J . . . . . , Im Guardéiand Nav Mihtia while in the service of the United States, and officers m the 0Hicers’_ Reserve Corps, and enlisted men in the M ms d Enlisted Reserve Corps while m active service. ,g,f_°,gg",,_ any ,5,;;; I do further proclaim and give notice to every person sub'ect bw- to registration in the several States, and in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the above law, that the time and place of registration shall be between 7 A. M. and 9 P. M, on the 24th day of August 1918, at the office of the Local Board havin jurisdiction of the area wherem he permanently_ resides, or at sucg other place stm om mmf- as shall be designated by gnbhc notice by such Local Board. ,,0,,,,,,;,,, ugh ,0 ew And I do callupon the vernor of each of the several States, the ·=¤¤¤¤=¤¤··- Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and all members of Local Boards and agents thereof appointed under the provision of the _Act of Congress gpproved May 18, 1917, to perform certain duties m_ the execution o _ the foregoing law, which duties have been commn)n1n;1t§dPt<i’1nheizu dneptly m Regulations prescribed under the terms u c eso u ron. ¤¤’ir$`ii°é»sii1i&r.mS“‘" P gw fonv;·lng;strationd thn t'lLerritori?nof Alaska, Hawaii, and _ Ore_W 0 GQ Guam maar roc ation, ¤§r°$ii°&i¤. X mt by the regulations, egery Local Board having jurisdiction in a city of 30,000 igotpulation or over will prom tly cause the mayor thereof to be not e of the place or places d)es1gnated for registration, every Local Board having juris 'ction in a county, parish, or similar umt will promptly cause the clerk thereof to be notified of the place or places designated for relgistration, and every Local Board having jurisdiction in a State or erritory, the area of