PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 185] States, or by the United States Fuel Administrator b virtue of the authority heretofore as aforesaid, or hereby, delegated, to him by the President. The United States Fuel Administrator shall supervise, direct, and F.i;`i°X°5”m§l§¤L°tg.2i°5‘l_t° carry into effect the provisions of said Act and the powers and authority thereby given to the President, as the same applies to crude oil, fuel oil, gas oil, kerosene, gasoline or natural as, and to any and all practices, procedure and regulations authorize%l or required imder the provisions of said act, including issuance, reigulation, and revocation, 1n the name of said Fuel Administrator, 0 licenses under said act, and in this behalf he shall also do and perform such other acts and things as may be authorized or required of him from time to time by direction of the President, and under such rules and regulations as may be uprescribed by the President from time to time. For l the piurposes aforesaid the United States Fuel Adminis— ,i_§§f,Y,‘§2.‘§’§i0,*f_y F“°' trator may ma e use of the said governmental organization called the Unite States Fuel Administration. _ _ _ Application for licenses must be made to the United States Fuel w§,‘§§h°°t‘°” ‘°' I" Administration, Oil Division, Washington, D. C., upon forms approved by the Fuel Administrator for that purgose. The holders of existing licenses issued by the United States uel Administration are not required to secure a new license. Any such person, firm, cglrlporation, or association who, without a ‘°' ”°"' license, or w ose license sh have been revoked, knowingly engagm in or carries on any business for which a license is uired un er Am P 2,,8 this proclamation, will be liable to the penalties presrriiriqbed by said ’ ` act of Co . · IN WI WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United Statw to be aflixed. Done in the District of Columbia, this 16th day of September, in the year of our Lord 1918, and of the indepen ence of the [SEAL.] United States of America the one hundred and forty-third. Woonnow WILSON By the President: Ronmrr LANs1NG ` Secretary of State. BY um Paizsinmzr or ·m1·: Uxrrnn Sryrns or Amamca ¤¤¤*¤¤·*·•**¤·¤°¤*· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Congress has enacted and the President has, on the k,§§§*;*{°w‘§y_$;*g,:,{}* thirty-first day of ugust, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, irwmblgs a proved an Act amendin the Act approved May eighteen, one ”“'p' ' thiousand nine hundred ang seventeen. AND WHEREAS said Act, as amended, contains the following provisions: _ Sec. 5. That all male persons between the ages of eighteen and ,,ff**“"°"Y “°°"°"‘“’ forty-five, both inclusive, shall be subgect to regnlsetgation in accord- Am, p. ass. ance with regulations to be prescribe by the _1dent, and uga; ,,l£,{,‘},,s’§‘}’,‘},‘lf,dl§_§_' proclamation by the President or other public notice given by or by his direction stating the time or tunes and place or tplaces of any such registration, it s all be the duty of all persons of e designated ages, except officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army; _ oflicers and enlisted men of the National Guard while m the service E‘°°*’°‘°"" of the United States; officers of the Officers’ _Reserve Corps and enlisted men in the Enlisted Reserve Corps while in the S61TV1C8·Of the United States; officers and enlisted men of the Nagy and Marmc Corps; officers and enlisted and enrolled men of the aval Reserve