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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/600

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1920 PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. to prescribe regplations for systems of accounts and auditing of accounts to be ept by licensees, submission of reports by them, with or without oath or affirmation and the entry and inspection by the President’s duly authorized agents o the places of business of licensees/’ _ _ AND, WHEREAS, by virtue of the above provisions certam public announcements were made by the President from time to time as a result of which the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of certain necessanes was licensed. AND, WHEREAS, a changed situation has been broight about by the present armistice in the war between the United tates and Announcing the u· G<*1`m*#)’· _ ¤¤¤¤i¤gm¤¤ ;1¤ig¤»¤¤<1 NO , THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the gilded ° °°°°r United States of America, bg virtue of the powers conferred upon me by said Act of Congress, ereby End and determine and y this Proclamation do announce that it is no longer essential in order to carry into effect the purposes of the Act that the importation, manufacture, storage or distribution of certain necessaries e subject to license, to the extent hereinafter specified. 81>•¤i¤¤·1 ¤i¤¤¤=¤¤ Licenses heretofore repuired for the importation, manufacture, spprage og distribution officertlain necessariels grail hereby cancelled, e ective anua 10, 1919, wit res act to the o owing:

 §°“.f$§Z b All perspns,ri¥irms, corporptions Por (asspcgtions engaged in the

"“ “°°°““ °s· usiness o importing, manu act inc u mill1ng` , mixing or lfiiilllzig i%g7isii?1' packing), storing, or distributing (including buygng and selling) Syrulps and molasses gripl beans, pea seed or dried peas ‘


Fresltirgr frozen fish (except salt water fishermen licensed under Proclamation of January 10, 1918) ‘ Fresh fruits or vegetables Canned: peas, dried beans, tomatoes, corn, salmon, sandines or tuna Mild cured, hard cured, salted, dried, smoked, pickled or otherwise preserved salmon Dried: primes, apples, (peaches or raisins Bread in any form an cake, crackers, biscuit, pastry or other bakery products White arsenic or other insecticides containing arsenic Tomato soup, tomato catsup and other tomato products Alimenta paste ° Green coflfze Casings, made from the intestines of animals, for sausage and for other food commodities Fasdsé wd ***1 i¤— Feeds from any of the following commodities or any of the fol-

 1;_ ,,3,, lowing commodities as fee or feed ingredients:

Buckwheat Linseed oil meal Kaifir Beans Milo Peas Feterita Dried brewers' grains Broom corn " distillers’ grains Cane seed Dried yeast grains §pelt Malt sprouts mmer Baled ay Millet Baled alfalfa Sunflower seed Baled straw Gram and seed Animal or fish products or by- screenmgs products Lentils Tankage Linseed oil cake