PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. 1921 Products or by-products of any of the following commodities as BY‘P'°d“°*$·°“’· feeds: Shelled corn Peas Ear corn Peanuts Oats Con-pga Barley P nut Rye Palm kernel Buckwheat Sugar beets sorghum grains Sugar cane Rice Hay Grain and seed screenings Alfalfa soya beans Straw velvet. beans Peanut meal and soya bean meal All commercial mixed feeds Condensed, evaporated or powdered milk Buckwheat or buckwheat products All roducts of wheat or rye other than wheat or rye Hour or wheat mill feeds All persons, firms, corporations or associations engaged in the busi- wbmb um §;€S¤°¤i¤•¤ ness of distributing the following commodities: ana, pp. 1·6S9, 1867, Oatmeal, rolled oats, oat Hour Corn grits, corn meal, hominy, com Hour, starch from corn, com syrup, glucose and raw corn Hakes Wheat Hour and rye Hour and barley Hour Rice and rice Hour Any feeds produced from wheat Raw milk All persons, Hrms, corporations or associations engaged in the mghwnze ¤f food or business of storing any food or feed commodities except persons, mispaeu. firms, corporations or associations engaged in the business of storing wheat, corn, oats, rve, barley or rice, as owners or lessees or operators of warehouses or elevators, or persons, firms, corporations or asso- 1>.».1»,p.19zz. ciations operating cold storave warehouses. _ All regulations issued under the said Act covering licensees so ,,,,*,°,,°g}‘Q,§f}§,“,?§$“§§f,;* dealing in these commodities are hereby canceled, eH`ective January ' 10. 1919. This Proclamation shall in no way affect licenses heretofore re- 1‘i°°“S°*‘“°“‘°°°*°d· quired for the importation, manufacture, storage or distribution of necessaries, or regulations governing licensees, other than as indicated above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the City of Paris, France, this Seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and [SEAL.] Nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Fort —third. Pl/'oomxow Winsor: By the President F RANK L Pom: Acting Secretary of State BY run Pnnsmnzvr or Tun Uxrrsn STATES or Ammmoa. A PROCLAMATION. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES: I . It becomes my sad duty to announce officially the death of Theo- ex.1=·¤sm¤i1L?$r(i?•$iii1?i dore Roosevelt, President of the United States from September 14, R°°‘°'°l°‘ 1901 to March 4, 1909, which occurred at his home at Sagamore Hill,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/601