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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/602

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1922 PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. Oyster Bay, New York, at 4:15 o‘clock in the morning of January _6, 1919. In his death the United States has lost one of its most distinguished and patriotic citizens, who endeared himself to the people by his strenuous devotion to their interests and to the public interests of his coimtrg. _ _ _ As president of the olice Board of his native citg, as Member of the Legislature and Governor of his State, as C1v1l ervice Commissioner, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, as Vice-President and as President of the United States, he displayed admimstrative powers of a signal order and conducted the affairs of these various offices with a concentration of effort and a watchful care which permitted no divergence from the line of duty he had definitely set for himself. In the War with Spain, he displayed singular init1at1ve and energy and disf ished himself among the commanders of the army in the field. A1§$1resident he awoke the Nation to the dangers of private control which lurked in our financial and industria systems. It was by thus arresting the attention and stimulating the purpose of the country that he opened the way for subsequent necessary and beneficent reforms. His private life was characterized by a simplicity, a virtue and an affection worthy of all admiration and emulation by the people of America. ,,,;—*,·{**g,,’·,,,:*,.*;,*‘i,.,·;,·,:*,: IN TESTIMONY of the respect brwbreb his memory is held by d**°°*°d- the Government and pqgple of the United States, I do hereby direct that the flags of the `te House and the several Departmental Buildings be di-splayed at half staff for a period of thirty days, and that suitable `tary and naval honors under orders o the Secregarielsal of War and of the Navy may be rendered on the day of the une . Done this seventh day of January, in the year of Our Lord one thousand mne hundred and nineteen, and of the Inde- [sn.u..] pendence of the United States of America the one undred and forty-third. Woonnow Wmsou By the President: Ronmrr Limsmo Secretary of State.

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A PROCLAMATION Appointing a successor to William G. McAdoo, Director General of { Railroads, and Defining his Powers. ee‘Z;**,$,’?é.e.°‘;‘;‘,¥§&m‘;¥ WHEREAS, by the preeiemeuee dated December ze, 1917, · f’,fj;‘“I§{‘§i3,_ taking over each and every system of transportation and the appur- ' tenances thereof located wholly or in part within the boundaries of the continental United States, it was rovided "that the possessions, control, operation, and utilization oi) such trans ortation s tem, hereby by me undertaken, shall be exercised by and, through G. McAdoo, who is hereby appointed and designated Director General Am mg of Ra1lroads;" and 'P‘ ’ ‘ YVHEREAS, by a subsequent proclamation dated April 11, 1918, certain other systems of transportation were taken under Federal control; and WHEREAS, the said William G. McAdoo, Director General of Railroads as aforesaid, has tendered his resignation which has been A _ mmm duly accepted: D_ §§?,*§§*,,§m,,G,n. LOW, HEREFORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United °“-*‘°‘B**“’°“"$· States, under and by virtue of the powers and authority vested in